The discussions
Windows xp not logging on beyond welcome
Hello, My Acer Laptop which has Windows XP boots up until it reaches the welcome screen. then when i try to log in as myself or even as admin it co...
My internet expplore page wont show
Star menu is gone.
Hello, My start menu bar is gone..thats it nothing else is wrong...i hit a button on my keyboard by mistake and it dissapeared? How do i get it back? ...
After windows update audio & video crashes
Hello, I need some help. I use Windows Vista Home Premium on my computer, a HP with 2048MB memory. Recently (yesterday) my computer just stopped play...
Computer will not log on passed welcome menu
Hello, I have a Hp Compaq Desktop I bought in 2007. I tried to log on my computer this morning and it will not go passed that welcome menu the scre...
Vista freezes up occasionally only once then
Hello, I don't know anything about computers so I found this site and thought it'd help me. I have Windows Vista Home Premium and lately for the past ...
Create files based on the values of one file
Hello, i would like to write a DOS Batch script to create a multiple files based on the values from a single file mainfile.txt (For instance, mainfi...
Hard disk 'c' doesnt open
Hello, Somethings is terribly wrong with my computer when i double click on local disk C: i get this error message... Windows cannot find RECYC...
Hello, can you help me urgent I have my TOSHIBA laptop and I have windows vista home Premium and when i start my laptop I get this message : syst...
Windows xp installation cd doesnt do anything
Hello, I have a Dell XPS 400 PC, I recieved and error message that said NTLDR is missing, pres cntrl alt del to restart after doing so, nothing happen...
Problems with windows xp pro
Hello, I have currently got windows xp pro installed on my home pc,the only problem is that after a problem last week,i have had to install the saem ...
Hear everything running but see nothing
Hello, i have a windows xp. It started freezing about a month ago or it would turn off. I took it to a friend that thought it was out of memory. He i...
Acer from vista to xp
Hello, I've tried to downgrade my Vista to XP on my Acer laptop but Xp keeps crashing... why?
Network controller not install
Hello, I have 'Viglen' desk top PC with windows XP in the device manager Network Controller giving me question mark and sign of exclamation over it. ...
How to delete the sam account
Hello, I want to know how to delete sam(security account manager) account through the command prompt. Someone told me this is one of the ways you can...
Blue screen when i start computer up, help?
Hello, I started up my laptop yesterday and it doesn't get past the Windows loading page thing before it blue screens. I've had to post at school be...
External hdd ( i omega
Hello, I have this 500 GB external I OMEGA hdd and hafe had no problems so far. But recently when i plug it in to the usb port it switches on fine an...
Help!!! i'v lost my files!
Hello, I had a little problem with my external hardrive and now i cant access it unless i format the hardrive, i understand that i have lost all my d...
Deleted files from memory card.
ClosedHello, I recently moved some files from the memory card of my digital camera onto my computer without copying them and then proceeded to delete the...
How do you fix a short circuited hard disk
Hello, umm.. will you guys help hard disk has been damage (short circuited) I do not know the reason why.. well if there any CHANCE that I...
Error message when starting up computer
Hello, How do I fix error message C:\PROGRA~1\MYWEBS~1\bar\1.bin\MWSBAR.Dll keep getting it every time I turn on computer. How do I correct it??
Mssing local settings
Hello, I could not find my local setting in my computer and i go to tool --> view tap --> i found the folder to check for view hiden files is missi...
Video controller not installed
Hello, i;ve got another problem. I installed the video card driver successfully but it says that the video controller was not installed. Every time...
My webcam is not working properly
Hello, my web cam is not working properly after installing window XP. I am uanble to discover the driver of web cam plz help? second problem is, aft...
Ie application errors
Hello, after upgrading to IE 8 I started to get the following IE error messages: The instruction at "0x4e44de1" or "x55084de1" referenced memory at ...
Windows vista update issue
Hello, I am experiencing similar problems to some of the posts above. My computer was working fine until the 26th of February 2009. I turned on t...
Is there any ther solution?
Hello, im having the saem preoblem as u guys..... but..i tried everything .. and the lat 1 was trying to type g:\i386\userinit.ex system\.... but i...
Problem in internet in inspiron-1525
Hello, My Problem is That I'm not able to connect to internet through Wi-Fi. Actually I stay in Hostel and their is wi-fi network in our hostel i hav...
Help blue screen 2057 media center
Hello, i can open and used windows media center fine but when i go to seach for TV channels the process will reach 3% then the system will show the...
Picture files after hirens boot cd
Hello, after i used the Hirens Boot CD, i used something called HDD Regenerator on that, and it fixed my comp, however the files were deleted, but iv...
Not listing program
Hello, Please guys, my Add/Reomove Programs doesnt list the program, it just stay on " PLEASE WAIT THE LIST IS BEING POPULATED..." it doesnt list any...
No audio devices also no audio mixer message
Hello, I installed windows xp over my windows vista and i couldnt get internet or sound to work, then i found my vista recovery disk i made(which i d...
Pc can't reply to ping from other pcs
Hello, I have jus reformatted a PC and am trying to put it back to the network, using a static IP, I ping other IPs and they reply but when I ping t...
Lost laptop
Hello, I found a lost laptop and I am trying to find the owner. It is running windows vista and is password protected. There are two different user a...
I can only upgrade xp to sp1a not sp2 or 3
Hi folks i have a dell dimension 4500 with pentium 4 and 512 mb ram. Before upgrading my hard drive it ran xp with sp2. I have now upgraded to a h...
Windows theme
elow, i tried to change the display properties by clicking the appearance but as i have said it didn't worked. I would like to try your second opti...
External hard drive problems!! please help!
Hi! So my external hard drive isn't opening on my computer or anyone else's computer anymore. My hard drive used to work just fine with my computer. I...
Windows theme
I already change my windows theme using windows blind but the theme did not appear in the desktop. Please help me what i need to do
Another qustion
Hello, i have bought a new acer aspire laptop xp windows media center edition 2003 with twelve months warrenty. my problem with this is bought my [c] ...
Language change
Hello, how can i change the language of my laptop from italian to english
Cannot restore system
Hello, well i've already posted the main problem regarding my drives getting locked, now it seems that i cannot restore my machine to any previous ...
What happens if i add more than specified ram
Hello, I have an HP Pavillion dv9000 Lap top running Vista Home Premium 32 bits SP1, with an AMD Turion 64 X 2 1.80 GHz I just installed one module o...
Windows xp booting problems
Hello, I have read all of these blogs and I still cant find an answer to my problem...My computers starts with no icons or start bar....just a wallpa...
Com help
Hello, i dont know if my com has a virus of anything but my com suddenly crash and it wont boot up at all the screens still black and when i tried t...
Hooked pc to tv used rac cbale but still no s
Hello, I hooked my pc( Dell lap top) up to my tv no problem but no sound.Got RCA cable one end into laptop headphones other RED and White into TV sti...
Wd640 shows unknown device
SolvedHello, Recently i bought Western Digital MyBook 640GB, I was tried all kind of trouble shooting but its still shows unknown device under device manag...
Audio problems on vostro
Hello, I just bought a DELL Vostro A860 and downloaded Windows XP, but can't get audio, Device Manager shows in yellow "Modem Device on high definit...
Cd/dvd burner trouble
Hello, ive had my acer laptop for nearly a year now and have been able to burn cds using windows media player since day one, until now that is, windo...
What programmes can be using game files?
Hello, what programmes can use installed game files, thus stopping it from loading up with an error message telling me that its encountered a pro...