Insert a tilde sign: on Mac, Windows

There are a number of unique symbols that don't have a dedicated key on a keyboard, in this article we will focus on the tilde (~) sign, and show you how to insert the tilde on both Mac and Windows keyboards.
How to enter the tilde on Windows keyboards
The keyboard shortcut for the Tilde symbol on a Windows keyboard is:
- Shift + `.
How to enter the tilde on Mac
On a Mac, press:
- Shift + `~
Note the `~ is one key that has both symbols on it.
What are the alternative methods?
Otherwise, you can just copy and paste the tilde symbol here ~. Also, there is another shortcut on Windows: you can press the alt key and type the alt code of 126 on the numeric keypad. Alternatively, you can insert a tilde via the Character Map on Windows.
- To do so, click on Start and type Character Map in the Search tab.
- Click on it to open, and select Advanced View to expand the dialog box.
- Type Low Line and then copy and paste the tilde sign into your document.
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