The discussions
Hp laptop crash
Hello, high just turned laptop on and once logged in it shut of . when holding the on but the charge light flashes but won't turn on even with ...
Hdd wd 1t no volume info not appearing
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Firefox 61.0Hdd not appearing in my computer when i checked the properties of the volume its show nothi...
Keyboard not typing symbols
My keyboard won't type the symbols above the numbers on the top of the keyboard. Any suggestions to get it working again?
Sd card deleted files return.
Hello there..I'been tryin'a delete some files in my sd card but they just reflect back.please help me...its a 32gb sd card..please thnk you in advance...
Gateway ne 522 screen remains black
Hello, My laptop powers on, but the screen remains black. I tried taking the battery out and holding the power button, still nothing. System Conf...
Two monitors go into power saving mode
I have a problem and I'm getting desperate. My computer worked the night before so I shut it off and went to bed. I went on my pc and booted up fi...
My acer laptop is not turning on it is just
Hello, It's just loading in clock wise rotating symbol System Configuration: Android / Chrome 68.0.3440.91
Wd elements shows there are two drives
Hello, Can someone help me please? My WD Elements shows there are two drives ang has only a total of around 290 Gb on it but it should be 2 ter...
Rise in temperature when playing games
pls, i want to know the reasons, why the laptop system gets hotter when playing games.
My flash drive is security protected with bit lock
Hello, My flash drive is security protected with bit locker because i once i put a password and also remove the password and now i cannot remember...
Windows vista black screen
When i try to reboot my windows vista pc i get a black screen with no cursor before the windows login page. I tried unplugging and removing battery an...
Reset my bios password
ClosedPlease help i have a toshiba satellite lab top A205-s5804 need to reset the bios password
Keyboard won't type
hello my keyboard wont type when i try a new keyboard did not work also i try my keyboard on a second pc did not work but the new keyboard work ...
Pc boots up but no signal on the monitor
Hello, So i just built a new pc from scratch, although i left my old hard drive in there.My pc seems to be booting up fans lights etc are getting pow...
Laptop is not opening
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 68.0.3440.91
Monitor is just black when i start my computer
yeah um so i turn on my computer and the screen stays black but you can hear the fans running, the keyboard and mouse light up but the screen stays bl...
Wd my passport external hard disk formatting error
hello, I was using the HDD when due to battery failure the laptop power source was off and hence the backup was interrupted. after that when i reco...
My keyboard wrights q1 w2 e3 r4 u7 i8 o9 p0
SolvedIt writes q1 w2 e3 r4 u7 i8 o9 p0 instead q w e r u i o p and it's really annoying, im a fast typer and I love my laptop's keyboard and it sucks havi...
My laptop screen goes pink ang it turn black
Can someone help me?
Laptop don't know the password
ClosedHello, my mate gave me his old laptop but he doesn't know the password. Is there an easy way to factory reset or get past it? System Configurat...
Lenovo touchpad not recognizing some gestures
SolvedSynaptics Pointing Device is installed on brand new Lenovo Ideapad 330, but the touchpad will not recognize certain gestures (e.g. highlighting text i...
Hello Sometime my computer is booting properly but sometime it shows install hard drive . Error30u. Pls answer with solutions!
Lenovo e41 keyboard issue
Hello, I have LeNovo E41 laptop. Some key is not working. Pls help System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158
Unable to access my files on my wd my passport
Hello, My external hard drive shows up in My Computer but that's it. When I click on it to access my files, it won't open. I tried using Windows File...
Toshiba satellite's screen freezes and goes black
My Toshiba Satellite L50-C-22L screen is black on startup most of the time, the laptop is on, but the screen is black. Sometimes the screen does turn ...
Cpu working but no display
Hello, I m Akshay Few days ago ,I build gaming pc it's working fine ,I downloaded games it's good but yesterday I downloaded amd master settings soft...
Corrupted and unread seagate external hard drive
Hello, I am using seagate external hard drive of 1 TB capacity. Now its corrupted and unreadable. By searching in web i followed a command in cmd ...
Toshiba mouse pad stopped working
I have a Toshiba Satellite that the mouse pad has stopped working. I have been reading your previous forum suggestions that deal with the F5, F9 keys...
Hp 32 gb pen drive "write protected" error
Hello, I am using a HP V220W 32 GB pen drive. It shows "the device is write protected" error/message when I attempt to format it. I have tried bot...
Pc has no signal to monitor and periferals
Hello. So I was playing pubg and suddenly i have a huge frame drop. And i ve still played some games afterward to see if the frame drop will consist. ...
Sony vaio shuts off within seconds
My laptop come on but it shuts off within seconds
Vga or hdmi?
Hello, I have a older flatscreen tv with vga output. I bought a vga to hdmi converter, which also has a usb connection option. I'm completely confused...
Computer has no signal to monitor
Hello, I used my PC this morning before I packed it up to head to a LAN tournament. I’ve done this several times before and there has been no problems...
My computer doesn't recognize my mp3 player
Hello, System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 68.0.3440.106 mp3 player didn't reconize in my window 8. what should i do to save songs i...
New slave drive not recognized by windows 10
Hello, I installed a SATA HD as a slave in my desktop. I can see the HD in device manger, BIOS as well as in disk management. This is a HD I've ...
Hdd not detected in bios
Hello, I got a gigabyte h110-d3a, but it doesnt detect any hdd or ssd, any help? I al ready tried to Change port, and connectors, but it doesn't d...
Pc beeps 3 times and won’t boot up!
I just bought a new graphics card (Zotac 1060 AMP) and a new PSU (cooler master 550W). I inserted all the cables in place and placed the graphics card...
Zedbook won't start
Hello, My zedbook won't start even if it was turn on, the screen was blank... I need help please. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0....
Laptop is not turning on
Hello, I can't turn on my laptop ..last night it was working fine but now when I turn it on ...the screen goes fully white for 3 second and then bla...
Monitor shows no signal
Solved/ClosedHello sir, (sorry for bad english) Today I'm install new 8gb ram(adata 2400 mhz) and I'm also add my previous 4gb ram(adata 2400 mhz) .first time pc ...
Pc fans will get really loud then lose signal
Hi guys as of late I've been having an issue with my pc I'll start it up then a minute or 2 later 1 or more of the fans will get really loud then lose...
Black screen with no cursor
I have an hp laptop. It has a black screen with no cursor. So, I have added an LCD monitor for it. But everything is displayed quite huge. Control pan...
My new dell inspiron 3567 is not getting start?
Hello, My dell laptop is not getting start.its a new laptop.charger is working
Monitor works but has black screen
Solved/ClosedHello, NOTE:This is the second time iv had this black screen issue,i fixed it 1st time by booting into bios and it was automaticly fixed but this ti...
Unable to create a partition on my laptop
Hello, team,, good afternoon! unable to load windows 7 and unable to create partition. error message shows: windows is unable to install...
Enable scanners for 18 digit barcode number excel
Good evening CCM folks, I am currently wrapping up a project utilizing excel as a WIP History management system. I have all of the necessary compon...
Unresponsive laptop
Hello, My laptop shut down after a night of some games, I noticed it was really hot an my 1st thought was overheating but it was unresponsive ever s...
Acer aspire 1410 bsod
Hello, I made a huge mistake by trying to make my acer aspire 1410 work faster. Instead, the screen turned blue, lost nice wallpaper, and worse,...
My pc restarts while playing video games.
So my pc keeps turning off and then turning on again while playing games, I have a Cougar gaming pc. Model:GA-H81M-S2H.I don't think that its a heatin...
Asus n56 internal speaker is not working
Hello, I have a problem with my speakers, sometimes it's muted and I have to hit the lower right corner and it works again. System Configuratio...