The discussions
Laptop not detecting internal hard disk
Hello, my laptop not detecting internal Hard disk in diagnostics its showing 0 , but when i removed the same hard disk from laptop and connect with ...
Lenevo laptop not turning on.
Hello, my laptop model is lenevo Z510 and i took it last year aug,2014. LENEVO screen comes when i press the power button and it is not getting ...
Recover kingston 32gb usb drive
Hello, I face just one problem. I have a KINGSTON 32GB USB drive. This pen drive is not format & no space. Now recover my pen drive please help me...
All pen drives are detecting but not showing in my computer...
Please Help me to resolve this problem... when I inserted my pen drives(any) , I heard a sound as detected by laptop but after opening my computer my...
System shows waves on screen
Hello, i m using windows 7 and i updated my ram 2gb to 4gb(two slut of 2+2gb) at that when i use system it shows waves on screen, i put off my new ram...
Hp deskjet f380-all in one printer appears offline
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 29.0.1547.57 Why it appears printer off line when I print? Please help through your expertise.
Drivers of hp deskjet f2483 for windows 7
I'm traying to download hp deskjet f2483 drivers for windows 7, but at the end of the downloading the file is corrupt what can I do please help me
Printer still says low ink after i just refilled it
Hello, I just refilled the black ink on my canon mg2520 printer but it still says that my black ink is low & the light on it won't stop blinking. ...
Laptop not turning on
SolvedHello, My laptop dell inspiron 15 3000series is not turning on but getting charged, I removed battery and put it again but did not make any differenc...
Screen and sound turn off randomly in game,tower still has light
Hello, My screen randomly turns off while in-game, sometimes after 5min but also after 1h. I have changed the graphics card but it didn't change an...
Hidden files in my hard drives
Hello, I am having problem. My computer hard drives says it is nearly full, but , I couldnt see exactly the file allocation in the drives, I only...
Hard drive not see by window 7
Hello, Plz i need answer to this question, i format my external hard drive with mac and i later plug it to widow7 but i discovered that window7 do...
Pen drive can not be opened
Hello, Sir, I am using a Transcend 4 GB pen drive.when I connect my pen drive to any computer it appears as removable disk(H:) inside my computer ...
Boootmgr system corrupt
My laptop didnot bootyesterday. When I tried several times no avail. Once a message appeared 'boootMGR system corrupt' . When I tried another lapto...
Hard drive not detected
Hello, any help on recorvering my hard drive? It shows on that there's a hard drive connected but I can't see it in the computer, I can't even use it....
Pen drive is not shown in any computer or laptop
Hello, i have 4 gb HP pen drive. wen iam plugging it to computer or laptop, it is at all not showing any pen drive connected to computer. Conf...
Hard disk error
Hello i wante ask a question i have a problem in my computer when i on it its show me hard disk error and it will allow me to use it when i press key ...
Raw sd card unable to format
So I recently opened my 64 GB SD Card to transfer some files onto my computer then it 'kicked me out' and I am unable to get back into it. It is askin...
Toshiba satellite l300 suddenly goes blank after log-in
Good morning friends. I have this problem with my laptop, after logging-in to windows for about 5-15 minutes, my laptop suddenly goes blank. Sometimes...
Does not boot
ClosedHello, I have a report on our class . My report is what is the cause and solution when your computer does not boot. please answer TY for your HE...
Toshiba core5 turned pink suddenly
Hello, What can I do if my screen turned pink suddenly? It's changing it colour from pink to purple Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 45.0.24...
Hp phoenix, boots up fully, monitor says no signal
SolvedHello, reccently i started up my pc and it fully booted the numpad lock light is on and everything else works. The monitor just says no signal then go...
Laptop won't turn on
Hello, I just shut down my laptop and there is blue light turning on. As we know, there is a blue light when we're turn on our laptop right? But whe...
Laptop working, screen black, can see display w external moniter
Hello, i have an older Dell latitude D800 laptop working, screen black, saw a flash on screen with moving it , but can see display and us computer n...
Wipro laptop
Hello Sir, My computer os is window 7 when i press power button its on and then restarts randomly. no screen. automatic power restars pls suggest me ...
Keyboard keys problem
my hp laptop keyboard's some keys are not workin(t,y,[,f6,tab... i need solution
Laptop blank screen
Hello, i have checked the lcd its fine as i checked it in another laptop board and also tried to replace the lcd cable but only blank screen and als...
Nothing works except fan after update the wrong bios
Hello, I need a help for my bios . I updated wrong bios . it was FOXCONN A76ML-K but I updated A76ML-K 3.0 after reboot nothing works on my pc...
Pc starts up but monitor goes black and pc still running
Help my pc starts up then my monitor turns black and the light blinks and my pc is still running. Ive tried system repair but that fails and says it c...
Acer 5520 turning off and on
Hello, I have an acer aspire 5520. When I press the power button, the green circular light around the power button comes on for about two seconds then...
No screen need to hard reset or factory reset
Hello, I have a Toshiba laptop my screen is messed up as in the backlight turns on but nothing else no logo no sign in nothing I want to factory r...
Spacebar & left shift key
Hello, My spacebar on my hp laptop is not working but I am using USB keyboard and everything seems to be working fine but, when I'm using without ...
Hd not showing in my computers
Hello, one of my hard drive was appearing last night, but today when i opened my system my computer is not showing it or any of its folders even tho...
Dell vostro 3558 keyboard spacebar is automatically pressing
Hello, I have problem with my keyboard in my dell vostro 3558, in my keyboard spacebar is automatically pressing untill press esc key. plz give m...
My 64gd sd csrd is showing directory is corrupted
guys i need help becous it cant be read by a phone and a computer yet i have tried the start buton and r but it has failed to read so wha...
Dell inspiring 15-3521
Hello, Sir, I was shut off my laptop last night that time it works good but in the morning when I am try to open my laptop it open till the windows ...
Laptop restarting itself
Hello, I have a laptop that keeps restarting itself, please I need a solution. Thanks Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 46.0.2490.86
Brother mfc-9330cdw change destination file path
Dear folks I have got Brother MFC-9330CDW trying to change "Destination File Path" for a scan document / picture from its default location to Deskt...
For hardware
i want to know
@ sign
Solved/ClosedHello, Brand new keyboard. All fine except for @ sign I need to go shift2. Any suggestion how to put it right? Configuration: / Chrome 45.0.245...
Toshiba laptop cabel loose
I was given a Toshiba laptop the bottom right hand is missing a screw and that wire at the bottom is loose it comes on you can here it running but the...
Toshiba laptop xp sound drivers
SolvedHello, I have a Toshiba Satellite A215 S7422 laptop. It came with Vista, but I have successfully installed XP Professional on it. I downloaded driv...
Dell xps not booting bsod
Hi guys. 1st message here...I uninstalled Perfect Effects 10 from my computer. I double checked all files to be deleted. All were program files. Now w...
Computer beeps/fans running, but no display
Hello, my computer beeps once and the fans are running, but no signal on the monitor.The monitor only flash "analog'' and ''digital'' . Then the fla...
Pendrive not ressponding
Hello, my pendrive not shown in i solve it..... Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 46.0.2490.86
Wanted a review of asus x200 la-kx037h laptop (11.6 inch screen)
Dear all, I am told that HP and Sony have stopped manufacturing 11.6 inch screen laptops . I want to buy an 11.6 inch screen laptop. In the Mumbai...
Ext. hard drive video files won't recover
Hi, My 1 terabyte Seagate ext. hard drive files won't open. In fact, the computer doesn't recognize the drive by it's old name, "Passport D" instead...
Computer turns on but doesn't boot
Deleted by moderator Before getting into the problem, I want to tell you about my PC. I built (with the help of some pros) this custom PC in Septe...
Dell xps- 14z laptop showing blank after login
Hello, I am using Dell XPS- 14z laptop. It suddenly showing blank after login; no desktop screen. There is no problem in starting, after entering ...
My pc opens but monitor is black
I can't even see my Windows 7 coming up but I can hear Windows coming up sound. The monitor is black, can see nothing..,I think it's because of some k...