The discussions
Old ide issue
Hello, So I have had an old PATA IDE Maxtor drive for some time that hasn't been used since I got rid of my desktop some time ago. I finally bought...
How to access transcend pendrive 64gb??
Hi I have a 64gb pendrive of the whenever I open it in my laptop,it's only have size in just a few kb. How can I access it as before.
Hand me down computer from office
ClosedI got free computer from office. cleaned out. It is still asking for workgroup and password. How can I bypass to register computer to myself? To gain ...
Laptop won't open but power is on
I cannot open my Neo Notebook M54SE. It doesn't even boot even though the fan inside, the cd-rom, and the hdd is working fine. There was a time that I...
How to open wifi when keyboard is not functioning ?
hello i have a problem with my laptop Acer aspire one 725, because some of it's keyboard buttons are not functioning. i think it's broken. the le...
Motherboard dies after a few seconds and monitor doesn't show an
Hello, my motherboard is Biostar G41, its very old. recently i got a power supply problem so I've changed it. but before i change power supply, i s...
Auto signout in dell
Whenever i enter the paasword in my dell inspiron 15 it signs out automatically without signing in.plz help
Pendrive is not working................
Hello, my pendrive showing scan and fix ,when i do that it takes a lot of time. i cancelled it and opened it but it shows access denied and is not ...
Hi i have a monitor or graphics card problem
My monitor works just fine until it suddenly doesnt display anything and its in sleep mode. I tried to plug it at my mobo and it worked. Then then one...
New psu, keyboard stopped working.
Just got a new PSU and after installing and booting my PC I realized my keyboard doesn't work. The LEDs on the keyboard light up but none of the keys ...
Automatic downloads
My computer keeps downloading random things without permission. How do i stop this? -- Sent from CCM Live forum for iPhone/iPad
Keyboard typing incorrect keys
Hello, I am having problems with my IBM ThinkPad L520. It seems to have vice versed keys. When I press shift 2, I get " instead of @ and pressing ...
Acer computer says no audio device
my acer computer says no audio device computer was disconected when on holiday for 2 wks could this be a problem
My external hdd not showing up
Hello, my external HDD not showing up and i can hear it rotating and the eject icon is shown but when i try to see it in computer management i see...
How to remove write protection for transcend pendrive
Hello, Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 44.0.2403.125 solustion
Front usb connection
SolvedHi I am Harikrishnan I have ECS 945GCT motherboard with me.Where to connect my front usb connection on the board.There are two slots "F USB 1" & "F US...
Windows was unable to complete the format".
SolvedHello, hello. im new to these little things. how can I open my flash drive when it says "You need to format the disk before you can use it". bu...
Acer va70 wont turn on.
Hey CCM, I got a problem. My laptop wont get further than this when I turn it on, I tried to enter BIOS, but can't. I have no clue what happened t...
External hdd files compiled into one shortcut?
My external HDD has always been connected to the pc as a drive, but now when I open the drive, I see this shortcut icon of the HDD. Only after I open...
Black screen one of my kids dropped it
i have a hp hp 2000 2d19wm. one of my kids dropped it. now all i have is a black screen. it powers up but thats it. i have hooked it up to a monitor a...
Laptop turning on with black screen
Hello, there is no display on my laptop. Only black screen appearing. Dell insprion. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Toshiba lapt wont boot or do anything even in safe mode
Hello, My daughter has a Toshiba laptop. It has window's 8.1 which we hate. I was going to upgrade to Window's 10, but this happened. She was wat...
Keys not working
Hello, I have acer v5 571 laptop.some of its keys like end delete enter 8 stops working and some times they starts working for 1 or 2 hours and th...
Toshiba satellite c850-b762 insydeh20 utility setting
Hi I am using TOSHIBA Satellite C850-B762 model laptop When trying to boot, it stops at InsydeH20 utility settings screen. Is there any way o...
32 gb kingston pen drive not working properly
Hello, hv a 32 GB kingston Pen drive, it can copy any type of data but whenever I copy from pen drive into my pc, it shows multiple empty folders i...
Headphone not working on windows 7 ultimate with asusx5c pc
Hello, I have sound coming out of my laptop speaker but no sound from my headphone jack Can you help me ? I do all the things that shown on y...
Hdd partitions not shown oin win explorer
Hello, I have a problem after Win8.1 went on a recovery mode. The OS is Windows 8.1 and its on a 500GB Seagate HDD and the other HDD is a Wester...
2tb hdd turns to 1tb hdd, after windows 7 crashed.
Hello, I was using a 2TB HDD for my CPU and the windows 7 on it crashed, I tried using the windows CD to repair it but, i failed. So i went to use...
Dell inspiron
Hello, mine has an inbuilt battery and it has stopped working.what can i do? Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Can't restore laptop to factory settings
I have a gateway laptop and I'm trying to restore it to factory settings but I can't. It does not have the option to let me restore to factory setting...
Hp refused to switch back on
Hello, i need help on my laptop's issue.please. I was charging it when it suddenly went off and refused to switch back doesn't even show any l...
Switchable graphics nightmare
Hello, new here and was very impressed with previous help. Have what seems to be a ubiquitous problem but not clear there is any good fix, or if techn...
My msi gx660r gets blackscreen when i start it
Hello, whem im starting my msi laptop it gets black screen. Pls help me Configuration: iPhone / Safari 8.0
I laptop isn't starting up
I was gaming with my mates then my laptop just stop no lights nothing. When I put power to it, it makes the sound of a car cooling down also no lights...
Display not working
SolvedHello, I went over to a friends house and brought my desktop with me, had no problems but the next day I plugged everything in and turned it on and th...
Keyboard produces numbers instead of letters
SolvedHello, Hello, the 'Fn' key make me type numbers and symbols instead of letters when I want to. However, it looks as if the 'Fn' key was stucked....
Please hp notebook laptop appears blinked lines
My HP notebook laptop appears blinked lines on display at the left side.
Hello, iam using kingston 32 gb pendrive.This is not speed Working please tell me solution this one Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome...
Please huel'p me figruhrge ouht whuy i can'ppt type anythuingr
Hello, When I type, a bunch of extra letters and symbols are appearing that I didn't push. Configuration: Windows / Chrome 44.0.2403.125
Bought a an acer one 10 and set up but cant retrieve my pasword
Closedwas able to change my password on laptop but it wont accept on new Acer it says Patrick Justin password nothing is working for me and i ne...
Mouse won't work
When I turn on my laptop the mouse is working fine but after a few minutes it stops working? To make it work I have to press the mouse lock on and off...
Laptop screen won't light up
Hello, I have a Samsung laptop and was on the internet when it all of a sudden forced Mr to give it a restart and when I restarted it the scre...
Simpletech 500gb external hard drive problem
Hello, Hard drive issue, I have a Simpletech 500gb external hard drive and it was working fine. For some reason now Windows7 does not recognize m...
Yellow light indicated bt pc nt work
Hello, when I tried to on my pc that time display showing blank(black) n CPU indicated yellow light continue. Red light is nt working. N pc nt working...
Acer aspire 5733 laptop display and window problem
Hello, i Have Acer Aspire 5733 Laptop. It does not gives display when i start it most of the time. If i on the laptop for 10 times it only "on" fo...
Sony laptop screen turns on black with cursor
SolvedPleaseeeeeee help sony laptop screen turns on black with moving cursor Kasia
Keyboard not worjing
I dropped my laptop, it broke the lcd screen. Hooked it up to my tv to make sure it was ok (aside from screen) and it perfectly functioned. Replaced...
C and f drive recover
Hello, M vicky, someone deleted my c drive and f drive.. I want to recover my both drives so its humbly request to you..solve out my me...
Keying @ in lenovo
How do I key in @ in my Lenovo laptop? Does not seem to work in the conventionalvway
Crashed hardrive
ClosedI have a Toshiba Laptop which crashed recently. But there is an option where I can type my password. However, I also forgot the password. Does anyone ...