The discussions
Could anyone tell me whats wrong with my laptop
I wonder if you could help me, I had a problem with my asus K53E laptop, the power jack was loose so I got it changed. It worked fine for a few hours...
My computer keeps shutting off randomly
Hello . I am having troubles with my gaming laptop. It is as you would expect a windows, that runs on windows 7. I have no experience with...
Toshiba problems
Hi, I have a Toshiba laptop, last week it stopped working,I can get to the bit where . Can Sign in/type my password then the screen goes black, I've...
Laptop is not getting started
last i was using my laptop. suddenly it fell down and got closed. after that my laptop is n0t starting. what to do
System booting
Hi, My Laptop is acer it was govt lap and few days before i formatted my system and put windows 7 using usb drive after finishing installation no...
My samsung laptop wont turn on helppp me :(((
My laptop suddenly turned off because it has no battery at all, but when i connected it to the power source it still wont turn on. :( What shall i do?...
Cant turn on
i was changing the windows os of my asus laptop when suddenly it goes off can not be powered after hard tryin......guys i need help i have all my proj...
My external passport wd drive
Hi, This drive is not being recognized any more, had no problem before. Have tried different cables. Tried assigning letter but the drive is not ev...
Gateway laptop
My laptop just went dead. Don't start when plugged and I just brought a new battery
My laptop sound
I can't get my sound to work. The icon shows a red x on it. It works up to last night. What should I do?
Help to buy laptop
Hello, I want to buy a new laptop , can anyone suggest the best choice i have for a budget of around 1000$ ?
Micro sd card it says that i need to format the sd card
Hello, I have a problem, I needed to send pictures to my micro sd card from my computer and when inserted my adapter containing that micro sd card it...
Blank screen
I get a blank screen after I tried to recover back to factory settings on my Toshiba Sattlelite L45-A
Toshiba startup repair window opens and never closes
When I turn my toshiba laptop on. My NUM LOCK key always has a green light (is on). My computer screen has the message Windows Error Recovery... ...
Unable to use bluetooth...because its in arabic
Solvedi am having the acer laptop windows xp..i unable to use Bluetooth...because its in Arabic language....i restore the system to change the language but...
My laptop not start window xp
My laptop not start .when startup window andthen imadelty registry file corrupt or move.i try safe mode,last known good conf;,how to repairing memory ...
Restoring vaio without vaio applications
Hello, i have windows vista i want to restore computer to vista but dont want the vaio programs at all ? is there a way? Configuration: Windows...
My laptop shuts down automatically
hello,i have a problem my laptop is toshiba m105 sattelite when i start maybe one minuites automatic shutdown i clean the fan and change grease but th...
Presario f500 screen goes black then the mouse appears, then not
My Presario F500 didnt work before, it kept going through a power cycle in every 20 secs, i fixed that though, but now when i start it up, it loads pe...
Dell inspiron m5010
When powering on all it will do is beep several times and and repeat the beeping but nothing comes on the screen and it does not boot up. have tested ...
External display
when i connect pc monitor to my laptop dell vostro through VGA port ,it is detected but nothing is diplayed on the pc monitor same thing can be happen...
Laptop restore without cd
i need to restore my laptop to factory settings as i don't need anything on here a full restore wont be a problem,appreciate your help.
I want to put my Vaio -Sony Laptop Back How The Company Set It Up Because I Wiped It , Nothing Downloads , The Just Shows Me Where I Can Click On The ...
Laptop is opening with a 2nd screen set as default
Hi peeps, have a rather ... complicated question, in terms of how to explain my hassle. I have the problem that my laptop (Dell XPS12 flip-top Win...
Laptop shuts down on its own
Hello, My laptop is an ASUS N71J and it's shutting down on its own as if there's a power outage. It's plugged in, not running on battery. I'm runnin...
Dell inspiron laptop won't start. please help!
I have a Dell Inspiron M5030 and it was working perfectly fine on August 18, 2013 and then the next day when I turned on my computer, it said "Startin...
I got given an acer travel mate says ntldr
can anyone please ggive some advice or links as to how to fix this laptop ..when i turn it on it says NTLDR is missing..i have a workin pc i can use t...
Why laptop won't start...
When i press power button it shows processor starts light then it stops without showing any display but three indications (Num Lock, Capslock, Scroll ...
My white screen
hi my screen white but my laptop still turns on you can hear it what do i do buy new screen or is there anyway i can get it back on?
Can i fix my fn volume with out a download
Hello, I was playing with my 18 month old cousin when he walked over to my laptop and pressed a few keys together like the ctrl, fn, alt, and the ...
Vb 2010 express
I want to install VB2010 express on my laptop for free, it is in Spanish,how do I change the whole installation to English ? please help
Sony vaio factory reset
Does anyone have any idea about how to factory reset Sony Vaio PCG-7113L laptop. It's not rresponding at all. If I press alt and F10 or F8 it starts m...
How can i fix safe mode and blu screen of death
Hello, When I open my laptop it always shows safe mode and after I choose one it will go to blue screen in a second then it will start it agai...
Prob with toshiba shutting off randomly
My toshiba satellite L755-168 started shutting off randomly about a week ago. I took it to a tech who changed the fan but it still has the same proble...
My keyboard
Hello, my keyboard on my laptop creates letters when i press a single key i know its not the num lock... help Configuration: Windows 7 / Chr...
Application crash
My touch pad doesn't work properly
Toshiba Satellite C55-A5311 The mouse at touch pad doesn't work unless I am not at my account. What I mean is that before I put my password the mo...
My laptop screen is black with mouse
Okay my laptop screen is black with mouse and I don't know what to do! Please help?
Inspiron 1525 won't run dvds or register them at all
I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop, and about a year ago it fell about a metre off a sofa arm rest. The main profile corrupted and the disk drive stop...
My laptop dell inspiron 15r not working
when i press the power led light glow out of 3 and i heard 7 beeps sound and then it suddenly off!!! how to solve this!!! pls help me... t...
Toshiba laptop will not start up
Toshiba will not start up.. I tried Unplug the power cord Remove the battery Hold the power button for 60 seconds Put the battery back Connect the pow...
Laptop does not want to start
Im trying to use my laptop but it only turns on and writes "media test failure, check cable.Please help im really stuck now!!!
Dell n5010 not starting up getting beep
Hi, I am not able to start my laptop, As after pressing start button I am getting beeps. Sometimes it got started after trying for continuously for...
Ibm laptop (thinkpad) crashes unexpectedly
I have a problem with an Ex-Australian Government Laptop from 2006 which i got in 2011, i have an unexpected problem when after 1 or 2 days the Laptop...
My mini laptop is booting but display only white screen' please
My mini laptop is booting but display only white screen' please can i do to solve this promble
Black screen on my laptop
I have a toshibe satellite L775-S7102 laptop its a year old.i was on my laptop in then i got off for like 3 hours put never loged off. came back to ge...
Restore sony vaio laptop to factory setting
Solved/ClosedHello, , I'm using Sony Vaio laptop model PCG-7184L ..i want to format my laptop..but I dont have the Sony recovery disc...plzzzz plzzz plz help m...
Power problem
i have a problem with my CQ62 laptop.when i connect the adaptor,there is no power light at the power jack.but i tried connecting my phone through USB ...
Laptop keeps turning on and off
My dell inspiron M5030 turns on to where the dell logo pops up and the it shuts down.. It automatically turns and and repeats again.
Restore my sony vaio
Hello, I have a sony vaio laptop.I want to set it back to factory settings. I do not have a recovery disk. I am using windows 7. How do I do this ? ...