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    March 2022

    21 March
    • How to add document properties in Word

      Microsoft Word can be configured to print documents with the document properties information. In order to do so, the option for Print Document Properties has to be enabled. Document properties include information related to the creation of the document, authors, modification dates, number of revisions etc.If you want your print-outs to include these properties, then you should follow the steps outlined below.

    • How to create a Firefox account: Sync, Pocket

      If you would like to take advantage of all the features that the Mozilla Firefox web browser has to offer, you will need to create Firefox account. With a Firefox account, one can sync data (browser tabs, bookmarks, history, and passwords) across multiple devices via Firefox Sync, save bookmarks with Pocket, and download apps from the Firefox Marketplace.

    • Counter Strike available memory less than 15MB

      If your Counter Strike gameplay has been rudely interrupted by a fatal error message that indicates that your available memory is less than 15MB, there's no need to panic. Most times, this error message arises when you try to run the game on a 64-bit operating system. Here is a quick and simple way to resolve the Counter Strike fatal error.

    • Turn off controller vibration: PS3

      Turning off the vibration feature on your PS3 controller can help save battery power. We'll show you how to do so using a simple manipulation detailed below.

    • How to disable Adobe Acrobat update notifications?

      Beginning with Adobe Acrobat Reader X, the option to disable update notifications has been removed from the program's settings. Update notifications are now being managed by a separate service called the Adobe Acrobat Update Service. This guide explains how to stop Adobe Acrobat Reader from displaying pesky notifications on your desktop.

    20 March
    • Refill a T-Mobile SIM card

      T-Mobile offers monthly paid plans as well as prepaid SIM cards. As a T-Mobile prepaid customer, you have several ways to top up your mobile phone's credit. This article will explain how to do so via the T-Mobile app, on the T-Mobile website, or by calling.

    18 March
    • How to find your iTunes backup folder

      When you upload or download files onto iTunes, the app automatically creates backup files, which can be helpful in the event that data is lost or deleted by accident. This tutorial will show you how to locate your iTunes backup folder on a macOS or Windows computer.

    • Dell Inspiron Bluetooth drivers: installation

      The Dell Inspiron is one of the most popular laptop computers from the production line of Dell. If you face any problem related to Bluetooth, you can try to download and install the relevant Bluetooth driver. Here we explain to you how to do it yourself.

    • Upload files to MediaFire

      MediaFire is a multiplatform free file sharing and cloud storage service that lets users place all of their photos, documents, music, and video in a single place that can be accessed from anywhere. This article will serve as your step-by-step guide to uploading files and other media to MediaFire.

    • Watch UFC online for free: websites, apps

      UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) has exploded in recent years, with millions of fans now tuning in worldwide. No matter where you live, you will find a website or an app to match all the UFC events you want for free. Here we provide you with a list of reliable websites and apps.

    • How to play MP4 on a PSP 3000

      MP4 files can be played on the PSP 3000 gaming console by adding them to a folder in the memory stick of the PSP 3000 gaming device. To play music or MP3 files, a folder named MP_ROOT has to be created on the memory stick. When playing videos, a folder named 100MNV01 has to be created which will contain all the video files and clips.

    17 March