The discussions
Blank screen caps lock blinking
I have a HP 625.I used it,left it on screen is blank and caps lock blinking.will not let me get to bios or factory settings EV EV using keys
My pc not start
When i start my computer first it show red first and i turn button its green and computer start now i turn on my computer and show red light and i tur...
Data recover from corrupt pendrive
I want Data Recover from corrupt pendrive. Thanks®ard CSRai
Wd my passport ultra won't detect anymore.
Hi! My hardrive has been working great until I upgraded to Windows 10, now when I plug it in it makes the connection sound, and shows that it's connec...
Laptop screen shacking,
Hello, I have a Dell 6420 Core i5 pc, now the screen of my computer is shacking like a TV Screen (when not accessing complete signals) ,what is the ...
Home theater projector
Hi, I'm attempting to turn my garage into a home theater. After spending days learning about lumens, aspect ratio, and native resolution, I don't thi...
Mouse and keyboard not responding
Hello, My PC is on, monitor, mouse and keyboard are on but not responding and I need to save my work but I can't do anything. please help. EVERYTH...
Ntfs error in my pendrive
Hello, actually i formated the pendrive but after that my pendrive is continuously it is asking for format Configuration: Windows / Chrome 52.0...
Booting settings
Hello, I use Acer Aspire R 13, my device automatically power on immediately I open it. When am not ready to use it but want to clean it, it power ...
My dvd/cd rom
My computer model is a Compaq... Intel(R)Atom (TM) CPU 230 @ 1.60GHz I have a problem with mr dvd/CD ROM.. It doesn't show up I'm my computer..please...
Laptop turn on only when battery taken out
Hello, my.lenovo.G500s.dosent.turn.on. on only.when
No signal
Hello, I am aaladdin ansari i have one computer when i am power on my cpu is on and monitor is also on but deshplay is no signal what should be do f...
My pc goes but nothing shows up on the screen
Hello, I have a pc that i was bulding up and it was working just fine until the fan started makinģ a noise when i switched it off and opened it up a f...
Docking bay
my multi-function hdd docking 893u2is has just stop read any hdd but reads my flash drives
Acer laptop continuous boot
Hello, my acer laptob starts, then comes acer logo again and again!.... .!. what i can do muzu Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785....
Possible to get files from an old desktop that powers on no sign
Unable to copy files from my pen drive to any laptop
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 52.0.2743.116 I am unable to copy files from my pendrive to any laptop or desktop. Please help.
Hard drive formatting
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 15.0 Hy My HArd WAnt Format But I Dont Want to format becoze My All Data In the Drive When Th...
I lost my intel mother board cd
SolvedHello, i lost my mother intel mother board now formated my pc and instaled xp s.p3 I inserted other system cd and instaled the drivers but sou...
Analog input detected?
Hello, Monitor not working. when it does come on it says Analog input detected. Have no idea what that means. Configuration: Windows XP / F...
Computer build not working
Hello, I assembled my computer however the monitor says no signal. I have tried multiple monitors and no luck. The motherboard is lighting up, the...
Access denied for attrib
All data in the Seagate hardisk got deleted while transferring files.After writing in cmd attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.*, Access Denied G:\System Volu...
Cant see my folders?
I had a folder named root in my portable drive and i had everything! in that folder... Now i cant see that folder and its not about it's being hidden ...
Mp4 transfer issue
Hello, I am unable to transfer MP4 files from HP laptop to external drive the message I'm getting reads. "This is no longer located in C:\Users\N...
Transfer my i tunes file to my mp3 player
Hello, I transfer my I tunes file to my mp3 player but there are no songs on the player, but the disk says that it is 1/2 full . How to I delete thi...
Cant play audio and video copied by pendrive
Hello, i cant play audio and video in my computer which is copied by sandisk pendrive. when i copy something in pendrive from other computer and r...
Acer laptop stays on undoing changes screen and won't boot
SolvedHello, My Acer keeps coming up with, We couldn't complete the updates Undoing changes Don't turn of your computer. It stays on this screen f...
My laptop is not switching on,even if there is power supply.
Hello, i m using asus X551MA-RCLN03 laptop.the battery is not working from few i m using direct supply from plug to power my lap... ...
How to get laptop to read sd card in blu advance 5.5 hd android
How do I get my laptop to read the SD card in blu advance 5.5 hd android phone
Memory card no sound and nothing pops up
Hello, Please help me, i have a strontium 32gb class 10 memory card which was working fine when i bought it but for few months it wasn't in use and ...
Toshiba boot problem
Hello, what is the problem of my toshiba satellite laptop display only the leading inovation of toshiba then off , any idea ? plz help Configurat...
Remove write protect of pen drive
Solved/ClosedHello, I have a pen drive which is in the write protected. I want to remove its write mode. I will try that option which is suggested earlier. But ...
My laptop wont start
SolvedHello, I have compaq cq40-154tu laptop.when I went to start my laptop,its ready to start and cpu fan is working for a while then shut automaticall...
Laptop screen is black after it is switch on.
Hi.. My Laptop is Dell, Windows 7 Build 7600. Everytime I switched it on the screen is black. I have tried many ways but it is still the same.. Is th...
Dell inspiron no power
Hello, Yesterdays night I shutdown my laptop and today on my laptop but not power button on please give me solution to open laptop Configuratio...
Wireless keyboard not function
Hello, all the buttons on the keyboard are not functioning when pressed. nothing came out on the screen.
Black screen
Hello, My hp2000 laptop will not display a died out and i tried leaving it on the charger thinking it was just that dead but even afte...
New acer predator g9 not booting
Hello, I just bought a new laptop and its not loading up. It starts, I can hear the fans bur nothing on the screen... anyone help please
Connect a dell to acer
Hello, i have a acer 14 and a DELL how to i connect the dell to the acer help Configuration: / Chrome 53.0.2785.144
Sony viao press f it comes ttttttttttt
Hello If I press f it comes ttttttttttt.. With several buttons kindly need ur help , Configuration: Windows / Safari Indeterminable
Help m]y ]y button is acting up
Hello, m]y ]y button is acting up and i dont know how to fix it i need help plzzz this is what it looks liek ]y]y]y]y]y}Y}Y}Y}Y}Y idk wat happed ...
Left ctrl is not working
Hello, Left ctrl of asus laptop is not working like ctrl a, c, x, v, b, u etc.. However, the right ctrl is working fine. Please advise. Thank you ...
Computer shuts off when my fax machine activates
Hello, My computer shuts off when my fax machine activates. It just started doing this. It has been fine since the start, more than 3 years ago. Any...
Wont skip after 'press any key to boot from cd or dvd
Hello can you guys help me
Pc is not starting
Hello, I was playing games bt then curreng goes off and now pc is not starting but power light is on Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Dell laptop not turning on
Hello, I had paused YouTube to make my bed and left my laptop running and the screen went blank, thinking it had went into sleep mode i tried to boo...
Canon canoscan twain source
Hello, I am the owner of a Canon CanoScan N67OU and I am trying to scan documents onto a Windows XP computer. I downloaded the TWAIN driver, which...
Lenovo won't turn on
Hello, I have a lenovo think pad. Last night it turned off and won't turn back on. The LED light comes on around 3 times and back off. I took the ba...
Keyboard problem
Hello, My space bar randomly doesnt work when im on my computer and at times my M,R,and B key dont want to work they open random files on my compute...
I copied data after unpluge pendrive data not working
Hello, I copied data in my pendrive after replugge my pendrive data still but not working My pendrive size is 64 bit Please help me. I tried al...