The discussions
Pressing arrows flips computer screen
Hello, Was wiping dust of my keyboard and pressed pretty much all the buttons. Next time I go on laptop screen has flipped. No problem I thought, ...
Alt+f10 didn't work for me or f8. someone help me please
Hello, I really need help please Configuration: iPhone / Safari 5.1
I formatted my pc and can not get drivers for motherboard
Hello, Windows xp /
Samsung wb500 ...uploading photos?!
Hi, I've recently been bought the Samsung WB500 for my birthday a few days ago, and I am having real trouble trying to transfer my pictures from the c...
Logitech webcam
Solved/ClosedHello, I had my comp cleand and suc at a major store due to an ID Theft issue i had the misfortune of having. He deleted my Webcam software and I can'...
Hardware problem
Hello, i am waiting you Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 23.0.1271.64
System getting shut down while playing medal of honor
Hello, i used to play other games but while playing medal of honor system getting shut down without notification.. if anybody knows why plz mail ...
Fn key dosen't work vai vpceb16fx
Hello, I using a Vaio VPCEB16FX My original OS was windows 7 i changed it to windows 8 after that my Fn key is not working for adjust brightness,...
Drive lock
dear all, when I try to open my all drive like C, D, E they said c:/ is not valid win 32 application
Dell 1525 win xp wi-fi not working
Hello, Just had to re-install, & wi-fi won't work. Did the install in correct order, but still doesn't work. Pls help. Thanks Sue
Processor fan runs very fast, no sig to monitor, mouse, keybord
Hello, When I turn on my CPU button, The Processor Fans Runs Very Fast and give a lot of Noise. But No Signals to Monitor, Mouse Do not On Key B...
Why my mouse stops working suddenly?
Hello, my wired mouse stops working suddenly when i start my pc and i have to shutdown 3 4 times to make it to fix this problem? Thanks ...
Dell inspiron 14r laptop fan won't stop running
My laptop's fan won't stop running. During start up, it shows malfunction level 01 please return to normal running mode. It doesn't show the usual Del...
Sony viao sound won't work, for 3 years?
Hello, I had my laptop for 6 years, that is when it started to make weird sounds lately. It was a high pitched sound and really annoying. I pretty ...
Sound drive for windows xp
Hello, i am installed windows xp and after its sound not working... i am tried all driver include driver fix software also..but i cannot fix this...
Screen won't show up windows does load
Hello, I am having a problem with my computer i was restarting my computer because after i played a game it froze and when i boot it up again it d...
Boot problem
SolvedHello, i have a problem in my laptop,,,it accidentally fall down, when i open it goes to black screen and wrote start normally, but when i click...
Increasing my 'c' drive space
I want to increase my C drive space.I am tried to shrink the drive but its not done. How can i increase my C drive space.plz rply.....
Hard not detecting
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 23.0.1271.64 My Laptop Lenovo G 450 not going windows 7..Only blue screen appearing.. Please h...
Toshiba screen broken, have external monitor
Hello, My Father recently got his laptop back from a friend and found out the screen was broken. You can't see anything on it but distorted pixels. ...
About hdd
Hello, How can information be retrieve from a bad hard drive? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 13.0
Keybord problem
SolvedHello, I have serious problem with my laptop keyboard ;many characters does not work 'v' 'w' 'c' '.' '/' '*' '?' 'enter' please help me!! PS:I ...
Audio in laptop doesn't work when its connected to the tv
Hello, My audio in my laptop is working but when is connected to tv through HDMI cable..The audio doesn't work but the video is fine. So,is there pro...
Lcd gives "no signal" message on bootup
Solvedhello, i have a new 19inch lcd tv monitor connected to my pc and each time the pc boots during the windows vista loading screen monitor displays PC...
Installing printer with no disc.
Hello, my printer is an HP 4600, that came out of a vista laptop, and is now in a windows 7 laptop, but the original disk has gone missing so I cant o...
Hello, my dear Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 16.0 problem
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 16.0 I have Chinese made FRONTECH webcam but it is not working & neither it is installing. Kindl...
Blue screen of death at start
Hello, I have the blue screen of death right when i start up my computer. I dont know how to fix and i really need help. Ive tried going into s...
Install webcam in acer laptop
Hello, How to install webcam on acer laptop thanks Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
How activate bluetooth in inspiron 1525
SolvedHello, Excuse me , my English language is poor. My laptop model is: Inspiron 1525 and the Bluetooth not work. When I install it's driver show thi...
Desktop black screen during using or opening of computer
Hello, I am a ordinary computer user. Recently i faced some problems which i don't know how to do. I hope somebody can help me in solving this pr...
Hello, i need vga driver for window 7 32 bit on my Dell Optiplex GX270.. i download the driver from but that was for window xp they did't w...
Is it safe to turn on modem when pc is booting?
Hello, please i need it urgently. Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 18.0
Desktop will not turn in
Hello, My Dell Inspiron 531 will not turn in. I hear six beeps. I have turned it on and entered F8 reatly and it still will not come on. Thanks ...
Pc get shut down automatically
Hello, I have my PC with Configuration Processor : p4 Motherboard : Intel Ram 2GB Whenever i Switch On or Power ON my Computer, After 10 -1...
Hp laptop sound not working on both headphones and speakers
hello everyone, my laptop sound is not working at all. I was playing borderlands 2 and had skype on and when i plugged in my headphones into one of t...
Laptop restarts when power cable is on
Dear Sir i bought this laptop this year. I am using WINDOWS 7. recently when i shut down my laptop, it automatically restart i thought it is ...
Window was unable to complete the format
Hello, my pen drive is connected to usb and one window comes ur disk is not formated and click ok and another window comes window was unable t...
Usb no longer working after use on mac?
Hello, hoping someone here can help me! My colleague used my USB flash drive on her MAC to transfer some files to the work network but when we've p...
"no bootable device -- insert boot disk" ?
Hello, After a nasty virus attack by "Win 7 Internet Security" I tried to reset my laptop to the factory settings. I cancelled midway and found my...
Restore gateway nv55c to factory settings
Hello, I'm trying to restore my gateway nv55c.. I only get the first gateway bio screen then it becomes a blank screen with the cursor blinking...
Bootable cd windows 7
Hello, I want any one show me how burn a bootable cd windows 7 Thanks
Go to power save mode upon starting?
SolvedHello, Oh what a pain. my Dell has a serious problem. Every time I power on, it go's to Power Save Mode and the screen go's black and monitor li...
Factory restore with all drivers? hard drive about to crash! :(
Hello, I have a Sony Vaio and it keeps acting up from time to time giving me the blue screen and shutting off then when I turn it back on says "OS s...
Acer one aoa 150 won't start
SolvedHi All, I really hope someone here can help me. My Acer will not power up with the battery or the AC power cord??? Nothing at all. No lights nothin...
Toshiba a305 screen is black after logo
Hello, I have tried to restore my laptop by holding down the zero key and tapping the power button once. It starts to beep once the Toshiba logo c...
Acer aspire 5103 wlmi black screen when i power it on
Hello, My ACER Aspire 5103wlmi stopped working... When I press the power button the screen stays black, but laptop seems that is working... ...
Screen in power save mode
Hello, My computer opens up to a black screen. When I push on one of the adjusting buttons, it does give a red message that it is power save mode. ...
Computer powers on but doesn't work
Hello I have a laptopComputer will turn on. Says gateway in bottom right corner says f2 bios settings F10 boot menu no matter what button I hit noth...
Fn key is not working
Hello, Hello, so I have this problem, I own an sony vaio One, and yesterday my Fn key stopped working when I try to connect projector,some time i...