The discussions
Pc power supply problem
SolvedHello, I'm new to this site, and I signed up because I think the community in this site can help me. I'm experiencing a problem probably about the...
My toshiba l675d-s7104keeps shutting down
ClosedHello, it has shut off ever since i bought it when ever it feels like it and ive read alot of people saying the temp is the problem well it never fee...
Drivers for hcl laptop
Hello, I had formatted HCL laptop with windows xp2 OS yesterday. I don know the model of that laptop. pls provide all the drivers for all the...
Compaq laptop screen is blank
Hello, I loged off yesterday and came back this morning and sceen just has a 'C' on it . how can I reslove this problem? Please help! Configura...
External hard disk is not opening
Hello Technocrats, I transferred some data into my external hard disk and when I plugged it in another computer, a message box prompts and says "You...
My restore factory settings
Hello, my restore factorey setting pasword is missing.pls tell me my password
Pc shutting down when playing games
ClosedHello, I also have a problem with my pc. It would shut down when I am playing games. But my pc did not shut down when I was playing Crisis 2 and...
How do install intex keyboard with the cd
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 535.2 i have diffecultys while installing my new intex keyboard,i cannot install from specific...
Sony vaio f10 system restore, can't log in!
Hello, my friend wanted me to restore his wife's pink Sony VAIO PCG-365L to its original factory setting. It's running Windows Vista, Home Premium. Th...
Toshiba factory settings
Hello, Please tell me how to get my TOSHIBA MMAMG10AIV02 operating system Windows XP to factory settings. Configuration: Windows XP / Interne...
SolvedHello, i just bought a dell d505 . it has an admin password on the bios and wont let me change anything , the service tag number is d9z4851. i would...
Keyboard problem - type l get a
Hello, For the past 2 days when I press the L key I get an A but this is only when I am in a login site asking for login name and password - the key...
Keyboard problem
Hello, Button having two letter in keyboard giving problem i am typing letter while it is being typed another,please give the Vin...
How to reformat my toshiba l300?
Hello, how can i reformat my pc. help me out. toshiba satellite L300-2DK i think the hard drive memory is full or i dont know. :(( help me out p...
Arm-8500 windows ce 6.0 netbook problem
Hello, How are you? I have similar problem. I bought a Chinese netbook, try to update it and now everything is gone! Do you have any solution for ...
New battery problems
ClosedHello, Just bought a new battery for my HP laptop. After shutting down with the new battery in, the laptop will not come on. Then after I connect t...
Compaq presario cq61 hard drive issues
Hello, I have had my compaq presario cq61 for about 2 and a half years. it doesnt seem to like hard drives. im on my 6th one. i have tried western...
4gb sandisk cruzer usb drive
Hello, I have the above and would like the whole 4gb available to copy a file. Although there do not appear to be any files on it I cannot make th...
help my acer aspire 5251-1513 wont boot up i try everyone of your solutions but still wont work can any 1 help me please Configura...
Headphone stopped working
Hello, Headphone stopped working when i switched to external display in laptop with headphone connected. The same headphone is working with iPo...
How to get hidden files from flash memory
Hello, how to get my hidden files from flash memory and how to remove virus from flash memory have any link please provide me Configuration: ...
Lexmark x75 printer driver help
Hello, I Just purchased an ASUS computer with Windows 7. I have a Lexmark X75 printer that is evidently not compatable with Windows 7. As I am...
My intel pentium d is at 85 degrees celcius
Hello, I have noticed that my Intel Pentium D 945 3.4GHz Processor is running at a relatively high temperature. I am using a Stock fan and I recently ...
3 beeps at startup
Hello, when I start my pc "no signal" message is displayed on monitor which means that monitor is getting started but it gives 3 log beeps , a...
Dell 5050 laptop, bluetooth
Hello, i have purchased dell inspiron laptop 5050 model with window 7. but blue tooth device is not working. when i go do device manager, there ...
Need to fix the external hard disk
Hello how to fix my hard disk. Before the problem, Disk contains 140 GB data. But now this what i see! i tried to formate also.......cannot... Tos...
How to recover data after format hard disk dr
Hello, Hello, Dear Sir, my friend has delete my D: Drive i have lost many important data Sub : How to recover data after f...
External disk files
Hello, i am using a seagate go flex 500 gb hard disk, the files just disappeared and it still uses the sapce ..the files can be found only when i ...
Formatted ext. hd unrecognized after reboot
Hello, I have a WD elements external hard drive. I recently formatted it (using WD Quick Formatter) to make it recognizable by my PC.
If i connect my pc & tv the picture is square
Hello, When I connect my laptop to my TV with a VGA lead , the picture shrinks and goes square, even though both are widescreen. Is there any soft...
Sound not working =(
Hello, Hello, I have a HP pavilion and my sound is completely gone. I have tried going in to control panel and stuff but i cant find the right thi...
Pen drive not working......plz help
Hello, I get a message telling me my USB needs to be formatted, I click ok, try to format and I get a message saying , Windows was unable to the ...
Hp keyboard in laptop not wrking
Hello, my hp lap is a new one but the keys are not responding// if i press a key its getting displayed as AQ. pls suggest me pls regards Confi...
Logon problem in compaq presario cq40
Hello, my compaq presario cq40 laptop shut down properly,but now it doesn't log on.power lights only on for 8 seconds to log on my laptop....
Computer crashed, now no boot no post
Hello, my computer crashed the other day i went to turn back on and it will not start up. no video whatsoever. doesnt appear to even make it to pos...
Reset toshiba after hard drive crash
ClosedHello, Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 7.0 I have a Toshiba L300 and the hard drive crashed... I got myself a new hard dr...
Pc cant boot after installing dvd drive,
Hello, my pc was fine with cd rom drive, i repalced it with a dvd drive from another pc, now it wont boot up, it says insert disc, when i unplug dvd...
Problem statring up a comp
Hello, the problem is that it turns on but takes long to bring about its actions Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0
Aspire one aoa150 wont update bios
Hello, I have an Acer Aspire One AOA150 model and it wont boot. i began by disconnecting the power and battery and holding down the power button t...
Computer won't boot correctly!
Hello, I use Windows XP pro on my computer and cannot find the installation CD. My problem is here: I open my computer and I can get to BI...
How i sucessfullyfixed my dark screen problem
SolvedI have a HP Pavilion dv2000 laptop which is 3 yrs' old. From about about one year ago, it had dark screen when the screen was opened for over 90 degre...
Must restart to correct booting
SolvedHello, it doesn't restart whenever i try to restart my pc all the fans start spinning ,hard disk spins, the drives are working but the ...
Cdr's will no longer play on my laptop
Hello, Hello, I burn a LOT of cd's using cdr's and Itunes. last night I tried to play one through Itunes on my VAIO laptop and it's showing that...
Flash disk 2.0 usb device
Hello, I just recently bought a 32MB USB and within a day it gives me messages like it needs to be formated and when trying to format it says ...
Can't open my local d drive
Hello, When I click to open my local drive D, there was this messagge "D is not accessible or The file and directory is corrupted and unreadable."!...
I m getting a write protected error while
Hello, Respected Sir, I m getting a write protected error while copying or formatting a Transcend 4gb pendrive. So sir please respond me as soon a...
Iball pen drive write protect remove
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0 Dear Sir/Madam, how to remove write protect in my 8 GB & 4 GB pen driv...
Write protection
SolvedHello, As u told i have done the same procedure . but i could not find "storage device policies" i am using windows XP sp2. please please plea...
Onetranscend pendrive not detecting my laptop
Hello, oneTranscend pendrive not detecting my laptop but remaining all transced and company pendrives will be working properly, please tell me sol...
Laptop not switching on
Hello, I have a Acer Travelmate 4200 Series Laptop, it was working fine since last use but when i switched it now, it is not getting on. It is ...