The discussions
Laptop turns on and off and doesn't turn on
Hello, i was on firefox yesterday and the page that was open turned grey and the computer froze up and then shut it down and now it will not resta...
Down loadiing to pc
Hello, Windows 2000 / Internet Explorer 6.0 cant down load pics wit usb settings
Shift key problem
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / acer my shift key is not working with some of the key and it is working with other key so please suggest ...
Acer aspire one series zg5 big problem!
SolvedHello, To all, pls help any idea where to download / get All drivers for my Acer Aspire one Series ZG5 I format the hard disk and try to install ...
How to open my webcam
My phone type?
Hello, i want to know my phone type...pliz...tq Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6.8
Usb 2.0 data mass storage
Hello, I can not access my backed up data in this device. When i click on to it as drive E it says, "do you want to format the disk" which i do no...
Unable to scan,copyand fax
Hello, i have two 4355 all in one printer. one printer shows a error message "scanner problem" ,"unable to scan.copyand fax. i have replaced moth...
Reinstalled xp,can't see the cd-rom +
Hello, I have Acer Travelmate 4010 laptop.I did not get a copy of XP from Acer,therefre I had to install my own copy of Win-XP.Now no ACER softwar...
Need help on user profile problem
Hello, So I work for a University and cannot figure out how to stop the computers from saying "User Profile Service service has had a problem" o...
Creative webcam vf0050 and windows vista
Hello, I just purchased a used Creative Webcam VF0050 and it did not come with a driver or any instructions. In trying to download a driver, I'm to...
Lenovo s10 new screen replacement problem
I just installed a new lcd screen for my lenovo s10 model and when I switch it on,I see a a complete red,followed by green,by blue and white and a mul...
Black screen
Hello, upon starting computer everything seems to go as normal except my screen stays black, an something clicks repeatedly, its hp pavillion g6o 100e...
Panasonic dmp-bd85 play german dvd's
Hello, I just returned from Germany and brought some DVDs back with me. I can't play them on the Panasonic DMP-BD85 I bought here. Is there a way...
Blank monitor
SolvedHello, I am curious about why my Hp monitor w2207h hdmi monitor goes blank after a few minutes/hours whilst in use. I recently installed a new i...
Samsung 350s
Hello, I lost the manual and I want to download my pictures to my computer? Any Ideas??? Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 533.4
Can't see my usb external drive
Hello, I have been using the same external drive for the past year, on my laptop, now it is not shown in my computer. It doesn't show in device mana...
System requirements for virtual machine
Hey everyone, well, I've just recently installed a virtual machine using Sun's VirtualBox on my windows xp home edition. My virtual OS is also the sam...
No folders after refomat of external drive
Hello, I recently did a reformat on my dell 8400 and reloaded windows xp. I had forgotten to unplug my usb WD external and it also got reformated. M...
Hard drive not active
Hello, my hard drive is dead quiet and the drive light is off Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Keyboard problems
Hello, Sorry i should have mentioned i did all you sugested with the first keyboard and i still have the same problem even after installing two more ...
How to identify sound card
Hello, i dnt know we r to see motherboard no.pls tell, coz i wan sound driver . Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
Thumbdrive kingstone
Hello, Hi good morning. my problem is when i slot in the kingstone thumb drive,light is on yet not running and appearing as usual..can i get back...
Laptop screen goes black
Hello, my laptop screen goes black and just after few seconds it returns plz any1 help me im really worried Configuration: Windows XP / Safari ...
Computer won't even turn on
My old power supply died (when i would turn on the computer, all of the lights would flash) so I bought a new one. Now, connected everything with the...
Urgent!! bluescreen/overheat
Hello, well my computer was bought around end of 2008 so its about 2 years old. it didnt have issues the first half a year till the touch pad went ou...
Laptop keyboard generates random characters
Hello, The keyboard freezes and if a form field is on screen then this will fill with a string of garbage, endlessly. Mouse and onscreen keyboard ...
Urgent - stuck on update screen
Hello, My computor needed to install updates but when it has restarted to complete the installation, it has frozen on the update screen, where it ...
Hello, I have a dv6500 hp pavillion, I lost sound I have tried downloading device driver. Even after I update device driver.When I configure the s...
Use of mobile as a webcam
Hello, I have got two phones nokia 6310 classic and sony erricson k530i. can I use any of them as web cam for video chat on yahoo mesenger Conf...
D drive asking for formating
Hello, My D and E drives are asking for formating due to some attack of virus and they are not reconginsed as drives by the windows.It is showing ...
No sound on windows vista
Solvedhey Thanks, It worked for me too. Just disable the sound driver and enable it. :-)
Web cam
Hello, i am haveing some problems with my web cam . i want to live chat with people and i dont know how to turn on my web cam and its bult in to the ...
Screen fades out
my pc intermittently decides(usually upon waking it up) that the screen is going to fade out...looks like the screen is going bad, but sometimes i can...
New acer aspire 5738z black screen
SolvedHello, i have a new laptop acer aspire 5738z when I turn it on the first time I saw the desktop but after 30 seconds? te screen became dark and u...
Dell m1530 bios pwd from dell does not work
SolvedHello, Hello all, I have a Dell XPS M1530 laptop with a BIOS password installed. The password I believe to be correct does not work. I contacted De...
Help unlock dell latitude 505
SolvedHello, I have a dell latitude 505 and I cant unlock it. could you help me out? a friend inherited it and we cant use it as is. Configuration: W...
Iphone screen is blank/black
Hello, my iPhone won't turn on. I have done a "restore" but received an error message when it was synching. When I connect it to my PC it slowly get...
Need seriously help with my i-pod
Hello, myi-pod just wont work it freezes all the time evn when i plugg it up and it just has the i-pod apple logo on it in it wont work only sumtimes ...
Help me pls..
intel pentium (R) dual core cpu e5200 @ 2.50 ghz.. i need lancard driver, any site to download.. thanks
Labtop down button
Hello, The down button on my labtop won't work. The button completely fell off and only has a hole in in it. For the first few months... i click th...
Acer aspire 5050 freezes up at startup
ClosedI have an Acer Aspire 5050 that keeps freezing up at startup. I had a bad harddrive and originally thought that was the only problem. I just installed...
Please can you help me to fix my webcam??
Hello, people can't see me when I use skype!! and my webcam doesn't work in my notebook so what I have to do??can I fix it?? Configuration: Win...
Dvd not working
Hello, I Have a problem with my DVD writer I cannot burn anything the error message is "BURN PROCESS FAILED AT 8X (11,080 KB/S)" even i reduce the...
What is hardware?
hi, team
Hdd pass word un lock
Bluetooth problem
Hello, i have a serious problem with my bluetooth in my laptop... mine is samsung R710. bluetooth for it is not working... can u give me any idea....
Hard drive not working
Hello, My external usb hard drive was working fine for ages then all of a sudden it stopped working its Western Digital hard drive, my safety remo...
Audio problum
Hello, i have a intel celeron processer 2.00ghz and i am use a window xp servise pack 2& i lost my motherboard cd so kindly give me infomation how...
Msn webcam problems
Hello, why doesnt my web cam work on msn it only works on video on msn Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0