The discussions
Webcam installation
iv lost the disk to install my webcam the make is pc line 100k. could you help me find a website to download it free plz Configuration: Windows XP ...
Paper not feeding
my lexmark 2740 will noy feed the paper through. The cartridge moves to and fro as if it is printing but the paper isn't feeding to the cartridge. ple...
Laptop keyboard no response.
Hi, I have had fresh re-format my Lenovo T61 laptop, after re-format sometime the keyboard seem to be unresponsive (example: on the power, login to w...
can u suggest me the motherboard with 512 Mb on board graphic card
Usb stick nightmare
Hi, I have a Philips usb storage stick....I think its about 80mb. The usb stick was working fine until a couple of weeks ago but now everytime I go...
Problem store datatraveler 200 -128gb
After 1,5Gb stored in DataTraveler 200 -128Gb all folder and file is corupted . After format with SP27608 is identical efect . What problem is ? Co...
Installation of lexmark z816 w/0
I am wondering if someone can tell me how to install my Lexmark Z816 into my Toshiba lap top computer. Thanks. Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet ...
Software for logitectwebcam
Pen drive says it's full
Hello, I have a 1GB pen drive which has no files in it right now, but it says it only has 123MB available. What's the problem?
Install web cam
How to install logitech web cam V-UBC40 without cd
New internal harddrive
SolvedI bought a 2tb internal 3.5 harddrive, and put it in a sleeve to make it my the time I was running Vista 64b, and now im running win7 64...
Dell a920 black cartridge not printing
I have a Dell A920. Both ink cartridges are new. The black cartridge is not printing. Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
Upgraded memory now graphic messed up
I have dell dimension 2400 series, When I upgraded memory to 2gb turn computer on msg came memory changed press F1 to continue, did that now the windo...
Ordinal 173
Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 532.5how to locate ordinal 173 in dynamic library iertutil.dll
I have a logitech web cam and no software
I have a logitech web cam and no software. Is there a way to use this with no software? Can somebody please help me? Thanks Configuration: Windows...
Hp pavilion dv6500 with integrated web cam
Can somebody please tell me how to use this integrated web cam on my HP Pavilion dv6500? Thanks Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Ex...
No sound
Hi there, my boss gave me her old laptop, 7yrs old. i don't have any sound, even after going into device manager, says no device installed. The comput...
Broken screen
I have an acer aspire one netbook with a broken screen how can i transfer old files to a new acer laptop? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.5.9
Cd/dvd drive not recognised.
Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0 Help! Our CD/DVDrom drive has been working absolutely fine up until now. It says on device manager...
My j700 wont allow me to upload anything
Hello, i have a j700 phone and am trying to get it to upload pics and vids but so far nothing, i have changed it to mass storage and plugged in my ...
No adio device is installed?
Hello, I am having some problems with my computer. I was listening to music last night and then fell asleep. This morning it's telling me "no audio de...
Necesito su ayuda
buenas taredes, tengo un teclado suizo y no puedo utilizar la "@" porque no se que teclas tengo que oprimir para que salga en el texto, podrian ayudar...
My comp is not turning on but keeps beeping
Hello,my comp is not turning on but keeps beeping
System restore
Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.0.11 the system restore running but i shutdown, now, my computer did not work and it is automatically shutdown
Computer doesn't open a software cd
Hi my computer is not opening softwae cds only it will open all other eg dvds, data, music etc. When a software cd is inserted it just say insert emp...
Monitor goes black after a couple of min.
My monitor goes black after a couple of minutes. The light on it stays green! If i turn it off for a couple of minutes, it might work again for a minu...
<sound gets stops>
Hi Everyone, I have an assembled PC at home. 1) What happens when I play any clip/movie, i am able to hear that sound but after sometime...
Pc turns off tv after connecting
Hello, I just bought a cable DVI one ,have tried differend cables to. When i connect my pc with the tv it turns it off and when i turn back the tv o...
Problem: webcam.
I just installed windows 7 on my acer aspire one netbook which use to have xp. I need a driver that is compatible for 7 for the webcam. Configurati...
No sound at all
I have a Compaq laptop windows7 wiv basic installed. I do not know what happpend but i cannot hear any sound wen i play anything.even wen i start my c...
Web cam icon
I have a built in web cam, no icon on computer to activate camera Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
Why does my pc monitor loses signal?
A cable got tangled and mom decided to unplug the Cable that was getting signal for the internet. When we wanted to turn the computer on, it said to i...
My sd card doesn't display data on my pc
Hi. I have 8gb sd card that I use with the Sony Camera T190 model.My problem is when i want to transfer the photo from sd card it displays empty...
Format of flash disk
i have a twinmos 4 gb flash disk but when i connect it to a computer.shown its capicity 8mb.thankyou Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer ...
Pc trouble, someone pls help..
hello everyone, i have played a game one evening about less than 15 mins. then suddenly it turned off.. i thought my pc just restarted but when i turn...
My micro sd card not working in computer
i have a new 2gb Micro SD card along with a usb adapter. However when I plug it in to my usb port my computer doesn't recognize it. It says that noth...
Key board issue
Checking through the control panel, it says the key board is functioning properly but yet won't respond to my strokes. Please help. Configuration...
No monitor signal
Hi guys. After i changed my amd athlon 64 3000+ with an athlon X2 5000+ when i try to power up my pc the monitor won't get a signal! Also the fans an...
Motorola 2210-02-1006 dsl modem
Hello, I was wondering if this modem will work in Louisiana? I know some modems are suppose to only work in certain areas of the country? If not can ...
How to system restore?
i am trying to restore my laptop to factory default and every time i try to open system restore, internet explorer, add remove programs etc. i keep ge...
Asus laptop cannot start up.
Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.3 Hello all, I have an ASUS M5200a. When I try to turn it on it either 1. turns on for 2-3 seconds th...
We have 2 xboxes and cant both be moderate wh
Everytime ..I try to play online with my brother using the same router (linksys) one goes strict and one goes moderate why can't we both go moderate H...
Problem with hp dv6700
Hello, i am using hp dv6700 laptop over 1 1/2 year and now when i turn on my laptop nothing is showing on the display, all the lights were glowing bu...
Windows no disk error
hi.... I have a problem in my lap. when the windows statrs it shows a error windows - no disk and ends up in a blank screen. could u pls help me o...
Acer aspre 3680
can some one help me to find the problem to my acer aspire 3680 my wireless switch doesn't work and i need help on finding how to turn it back on so i...
Canon pixma mp480 ink problem
Hello, When they were first released,I bought a Pixma MP480 Multi purpose printer & have been pleased with it's performance. Shortly after buyin...
Acer 3680
how i turn on my wireless connection on my acer 3680 i cant get it to work when i flick my switch Configuration: Windows Vista / Firefox 3.6.3
Dell hdd 595b problem
Need an hdd pass for a locked dell drive with # XE508JXF170-595B. (for hdd, not bios) hdd s/n: WD - WXE508JXF170. I suspect the hdd is toast but w...