The discussions
Harddrive suddenly not working
Hello, System Configuration: Android / UC Browser I start my computer it is start normally and all programs running but after some time ...
No signal problem
Hello, Please help me in solving the no signal problem in computer System Configuration: System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Pen drive not detected
Hello, One of the pen drives that's been working fine on my laptop until yesterday is not detected today. Under 'Disk management', it's drive 'E' sh...
Dell inpsiron n4030 will not start post, fn not help
SolvedI have been working on a Inspiron N4030 laptop and has been one problem after the other. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. When i first looked...
Connect my samsung audio player 2006 model to my pc by usb
Hello, System Configuration: System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 55.0.2883.87i want to conect my samsung audio player 2006 model to my pc b...
Hibernating my dell laptop
Hello master, i want a possible dell laptop was hibernating, it wont hibernating. I did anything to it pull out of battery and a cable and p...
Acer stays on for a few seconds then turns off
Hello, my name is Ethan and my aunt gave me this old desktop computer and every time I turn it on it stays on for a few seconds then turns off what sh...
Transcend ehdd not able to see hid folders
SolvedHello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0 Hii Sunder thanks for such a nice service by taking your time for others , I went thru...
My laptop wont turn on.....
Hello, I have an older version of the HP laptops and it doesnt have any lights on or anything and when I push the power button it doesnt do anything. ...
Acer laptop switched off after connected with iphone
Hello, We have two Acer laptops. after connecting with iphone via [USB] port and it switched off. i did not understand. then connected with other on...
Hard drive
Hello, i have a dell laptop the problem is that when installing the windows 8 it displays a screen indicationg that it cannot install windows on the ...
My laptop screen not on but power button on
Hello, my laptop screen not on but power button on System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Dell laptop not starting up
Hello, My dell inspiron not turning on it has non removable battery charging light blinks once and stops System Configuration: System Configuration...
Dell laptop black screen truck noise
Hello the screen of my laptop is just black the power is on and there's a sound coming from it like a truck running in reverse please help me fix thi...
Laptop not working
Hello, Theres an issue my laptop suddenly shut off Theres no light blinking when i put it on chrge And its not turning on can u please hlp me Syste...
Wd drive passport lock
Hi Please help me on this My WD drive is locked i can not viewing my file how to unlock it i put my hint password but hopeless. Regards Rodolfo
Compaq presario 6500 indicates no signal
I accidentally removed some Compaq software when I thought it was HP printer software. Now I am unable to use the computer. It turns on but indicate...
Flash d drive not accessing
Hello, I have downloaded it and its now saying the administrator rights are required here System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Laptop turns off when unplugged
Hello, my toshiba laptop has recently started to turn off when I unplug it, and only works whilst it is plugged in, it says it is charging but stays...
Lonovo b40-30 will not turn on
Hello good day I trid putting on my lonove today but it wont come on but the LED light on the power button is blinking I don't know whats going on...
Earphone and speaker don`t work
Hello, I don`t have sound coming out of my speaker nor earphone and I already check in the control panel and nothing happened but it shows that it i...
Power on
dell 3546 my laptop not power on when i press power button but when i remove nd reset the battery it's on and also i press power button long time its ...
Apole tv box can't connect
I just got a box I think it's a itv box and I can't connect to it someone help please
Laptop no display and giving beep sound
Hello, my Laptop is Dell 5520 , it is not displaying and a beep sound is coming . System Configuration: System Configuration: Android / Chrome...
Laptop does not recognise my wd passport
SolvedHi My laptop does not recognise my WD Passport. The laptop bleeps when passport is plugged in and removed but no drive letter. I have been into D...
Pen drive videos not able to play after copying
Hello, Hi I have problem in my New 64 Gb pen drive, after copying my Data or Videos in to pen drive I can't open or play those videos my pen ...
System\admin password
ClosedHello, When I turn on this Dell Inspiron 1545, service tag number 24NL9H1 Model No. PP41L, all I see is "This computer system, #24NL9H1-595B, is pro...
Unable to memory card fomat it
Hello, hi sir, my memory card is sandisc 16 gb 10@class speed,my card is unable to delete,when delete the files,whem i'm getting a message memory ...
Memory card write protected
Hello, hi sir, my memory crd is unable to delete files (problem is write protetcted) in mobile and other devcices & unable to format to mobile an...
Virus shortcuts from my hard drives
Please how can i get read of Virus Shortcuts from my hard drives! SATISFACTORY
Hard disk not detected
Hello, I have purchased WD 1TB external hard drive I used it for one year and all of sudden it got problem like it couldnt be detect to my pc or lap...
SolvedHello, My Asus laptop says hibernating when you switch it on and can't get off it System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 10.0
Router problems
Hello, My Belkin router show connection but wps wont connect
Mouse curser isnt working
I tried both f5 and f9 with fn. still not working. Please help me
My computer shut down by itself
Hello, My computery automatically shut down when loading windows, i cant even enter the desktop System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 55.0.2883.8...
Laptop will not turn on
Hello, I'm having some problemswith Dell inspiron ,it's been a couple days that my laptop doesn't turn on . But I have tried the solution below and...
Black screen on laptop upon start.
I have a Aspire laptop 5734z-4836 which has black screen on start up. Program lights come on and the fan but fan only comes on for a few seconds and...
Keyboard not typing
Hello, computer goes on lock down with typing until turned off and restarted. almost like a mute button for keyboard System Configuration: Windows...
Laptop black screen
Hello, when i turn my laptop on it lets me to type my password in and the background and everything comes up as black. When i thought it would not w...
Which hdmi matrix switcher is best to invest in?
ClosedI want to redo our study room. We will need an hdmi matrix switcher to connect 4 sources of hdmi video to 2 video monitors. My boss asked me to find o...
Cannot find boot up device
Hello, I am having problems with my Toshiba Satellite C50-A. Ive been trying to install the OS but its giving me a " Cannot find boot up device" sig...
Display goes off suddenly
Hello, My monitor goes off suddenly showing some blue and green sort of lines,someone told that's graphic card problem So I bought a new one and aga...
Can't type @ on my hp
Hello, In the morning I was able to type @ but now I can't it doesn't come System Configuration: Windows Phone / Edge 14.14393
Cpu starts but monitor display no signal
Hello, I have a problem on my computer. few days before the computer runs normally and now this day when I turn it on the monitor displays "no signal...
Screen problem
Hello, when i am atrat my laptop , then screen is not work proprlyy(screen is open .. close ,, that..) what is solution.. pls tell me.......
Laptop keyboard
Hello, i am praveer and my hp laptop key , 2 are working opposite means if i want to type @ then laptop type it ( " ) and vice versa please h...
Capslock, space bar, arrows key and some character keys not work
Hello, Hello, i have sony vaio S series and some how keyboard got messed up, capslock, space bar, arrows key and some character keys not working ....
Sustained beep ram not there
Hello, I have a problem with my computer that is related to this page however I know for a fact my ram has never been tampered with nor my computer b...
Computers with isa slots
SolvedHere’s a report on motherboards and computer systems with ISA slots . I know these are no longer common, but sti...