The discussions
Camera unsupported
--pls webcame of my system wasn't supported domighty
Computer starts up but monitor is black
Hello, my computer is a Windows 8.1, built it myself and has been running fine over a year I installed a graphics card runs fine with it. I turned it ...
Hp desktop freezes
hello. my desktop is hp xw4600. recently i upgrade its processor into quadcore. everything was fine. 8gb ram. yesterday i was copying files from an ex...
My laptop is not starting
Hello, My laptop is having a problem. It is not starting. What can I do for it? System Configuration: Android / Android Browser 4.0
Power saving mode
Hello, I have a Le Noble PC computer. When I turn on my computer the monitor screen say Power Saving Mode. How do I get my computer to get out of ...
Cannot type certain letters e & s
SolvedHello, System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 56.0.2924.87 I spilled a very small amount of lemonade on my keyboard and i cannot type e & s i have...
Toshiba laptop l k p and backspace aren't working
Hello, I have a Toshiba satellite laptop and the l k p and backspace aren't working, please help System Configuration: System Configuration: An...
Shift+ 2 key doesn't give @
SolvedHi my shift+ 2 key doesnt ***@*** gives" insted.both my shift and 2 is working properly System Configuration: System Configuration: Android /...
Laptop goes but screen off
my asus k43u with AMD RADEON 6300 series when i press power button laptop become on but screen remain off. how to do.......
No signal to monitor. can't get to bios. help please!
Pc specs: GPU : GTX970 4GB DDR5 MSI Gaming edition Motherboard : Gigabyte B85M - DS3H-A Case : Corsair 230T CPU : Intel i5 4570 3.25 GHz Stora...
Pc does not boot
Hello, mine cpu starts normally but before mercury sign displays it switch off what to do System Configuration: System Configuration: Wind...
Pen drive i/o error
Hello, Hoew Are you?I think you are well.But I have a trouble.My pendrive which serial is(1333138A490CBRG01S).when I connected my pc,It show that 'T...
Sd card unable to format
SolvedHello, i have a problem with my sd card it say "unable to format" and i have tried many solution but it fail and when i run cmd on type it read as RA...
My lappy is not showing display
Hello, Sir, my lappy hp630 is not turning on after I turn the switch button on it starts without showing display then it off automatically after 1 m...
Hp laptop's keyboard and cursor are frozen
my Hp laptop's keyboard and cursor is frozen and i tried to press FN+ f6/ f7 but it did not helped. Is there any other option!! krishna
Black screen after i log on into my profile.
Hello, Can you help me. My gigabyte computer gives me a black screen after i log on into my profile. It wont run my desktop but everything is still ...
Monitor doesn't display anything
Hello, I have a problem. My PC works great but my monitor doesn't display anything. I checked everything but didn't find anything bad. So help me ou...
Toshiba laptop black screen
My toshiba laptop powers on but blank screen
My dell inspiron laptop doesn't turn on
SolvedIt was working just fine yesterday and today its not turning on, when I put the charger, the green light on the battery automatically turns off, help!...
Lenovo laptop screen won't turn on.
I have a lenovo laptop and when I turn it on the screen won't turn on but I know the laptop is on because I can hear the fan and the start up sounds. ...
Pc turns on black
Hello, while playing a game my display went white at once. After trying to alt+tab out of the game it turned black and did not change after that. ...
Dell inspiron 15 7000 series screen blackout
Hello, I have a dell inspiron 15 7000 series. Recently I was experiencing a screen blackout and I would hold the switch button until it restarts. ...
My hdd can't accept files and deletes what i copy
Hello, I bought a brand new WD Elements 1TB Portable HD. But I encountered a problem on the first time i used it. I copied 3 video folders (with s...
Micro sd card not recognized
Hello, I have a 8 GB Class 10 micro SD card, but it doesn't show when i plug it in with the usb card reader (i tried with another usb card reader a...
Sound problem in my acer laptop
Hello, my Acer laptop can not play the sounds online, when i am trying to watch an online vedio it shows the picture and there is no sound. how I c...
Pendrive detected but not hard disk
Hello, My PC is not showing hard disk in my computer, actually it is detecting HD but not showing in my computer screen. pen drive works fine with...
Can i reset my system password
Hello, My system windows xp is not opening it is asking for system password. Can i reset my system password System Configuration: Android / Chrome ...
Acer 6530 problem.
Hi, anyone who can help? I have a Acer 6530 pc. When I changed to a new battery, a mosfet transistor burned of (PQ28 FDD8878). I have changed the tra...
Toshiba satellite m100 not powering up
Hello all, Last time working on standby, and then found accidentally shut down and has never started again. Suspect of overheating issue, as the fan...
Uppercase letter problem
Hello, When I pressed any key all letter or alphabet comes in capital letter in both situation caps lock off or on how to solve this problem Syste...
90% of keys on my laptop aren't working?!
Hello, About a month or 2 ago I noticed that some of the keys on my laptop stoped working, mainly the arrows from what I remember. And then about a ...
Monitor just says no signal
Hello, i've tryed the other solutions from other questions and none of them worked. help me please!
Get my lenovo ideapad 300-101by to turn on
How do I get my lenovo ideapad 300-101by to turn on have not used it in a while now it won't turn on and when I connect the charger a red light is bli...
Webcam for student to capture teacher
Hello, I am looking for a webcam that I can connect to my laptop via usb that I can use to capture my teacher teaching. My built in webcam cannot fo...
Recover my account please
I don't have my account please help me and open my account please
Toshiba dynabook satellite l series black screen, keeps beeping
Hello, What should I do? I turned on my laptop and it only shows black screen, but it beeps all the time as I turned it on. It stops at certain time...
Lenovo laptop screen black, have power, but not booting up
Hello, Lenovo laptop: black screen Have power Tried hard reset (take battery out, unplug AC, held power button for 30...
Laptop won't turn on
Hello, My laptop will go to the Acer explore beyond limits screen then go to a black screen and won't turn on System Configuration: System C...
Loooking for help
Hello, The components of my PC are working properly but isn't displaying on monitor but it is on as well. what can i do please help.
Fn key not working after formatting
Hello, fn key in my laptop samsung, model no np350v4x is not working after formatting. I hope you will provide me solution for this. Thanking y...
Dead screen on my acer laptop
Goodevening. Can i ask if there is a tendency when your video ram is not functioning, it can affect the display of the laptop? Because my hdd and ram...
Laptop not turning on
Hello, i have had a gateway notebook for some years now. it now does not charge the battery and the power and charging light start ti blink when i ...
Lenovo g580 laptop isn't starting.
Hey My i have lenovo G580. It isn't starting.. When i press the start button the fans spins and lights up just for few seconds although didn't displa...
My computer turn off in few second
Hello, my computer is turn off in few seconds but when i was CPU change cpu direction upword are change into downward then computer are working pro...
No icons no start menu just blue screen
SolvedI painted my home office this weekend and unplugged everything and moved it once done I took everything back in the office set it up and everything wa...
Monitor gone black but second its ok
Hello ccm guys got a problem with video and my 2 monitors got an ATI HD 6700 with DVI and HDMI 2 TV Samsung are connected, 1 with 24" second 32", ...
D-sub issue
Hello, i am trying to set up a monitor via D-Sub connection and whenever I plug it in it says no signal. The odd thing is is that my d sub port isn't ...
Psu delivering too much voltage?
SolvedHello, I think I have a problem with my PSU delivering to much voltage to my other hardware. It is a new build that I have not been able to boot onc...
Computer won't start
Hello, I am having some issues with my computer. I've tried everything under the sun including a factory reset, but still nothing. When I turn my co...
Some of my keys are mixed up.
My keys are all mixed up like for example a is q and w is z. And also all the keys with the different symbols have changed and to get the numbers i ha...