The discussions
Restore problems
Hello, can anyonehelp please, im trying to factory restore my siemens amilo m1405, as im completely unable to restore to an earlier date due to some ...
Mp4 trouble
Hello, ive got a MP4 player and one day my laptop just doesnt see it my mp4 player chargers on it but i cant put anything new on it what must i do? ...
Not passing the welcome screen
Hello, im having the same problem with my laptop and my laptop is Asus. I really need help guys plz help me out asap!!!!!!!!!
Old speakers
Hello, i need to hook up old speakers to my laptop
Dont have instalation cd for logitach webcam
Hello, i have a logitech webcam but no software to properly install it the serial number is (to the best of my sights ability to read it) is LZ414608...
All displays on laptop are blank
The problem is occurring on a HP DV2000 laptop. When it is powered up the display remains blank (but still back lit). I have attached a monitor throug...
Cant load my computer even in bios
Hello, i cant access my computer,even the bios cant load, i tried basic troubleshooting that I've known like cleaning the memory and video card,...
Aircelgprs pocekt internet manually settings
Hello, Please guys send me the aircel online settings manually and extra initialization commends:
How to install windows xp in hdd via pen driv
SolvedHello, Hello, dear sir how to install windows xp in HDD via pen drive plz. send the detail my e-mail id
Are hp 4500 and hp 5700 compatible for parts
I have a HP Pavillion 5700 and I was wondering if a ZE4500 Motherboard would fit in the ZE5700 laptop.. I need to know if the parts are compatible...c...
My pc keeps beeping
SolvedHello, I need help, My other PC keeps beeping whenever I turn it on, and my monitor is not responding at all either. I was thinking it maybe a virus ...
Cannot connect to external monitor
Hello, I just bought LG W2243T today and I've tried to connect my laptop "HP Pavilion dv2000" to it. After 6 hours, I can't get it work. Pl...
Best laptop
Hello, which is the best laptop upto Rs. one lac. pl advice regards gulu
Hard drive not being detected?? help please!!
Hello, To begin the story, last night my pc was working fine as usual. And there were no problems with anything computer related, just like every oth...
My itouch isnt working
Hello, my itouch isnt working it turn on but after 2 second it goes off :( help please
My computer turns it self off
my computer just turns itself off and when i try to turn it back on it either just lik pops off again or takes me to this page where you cant do anyth...
Hello, my screen is dark and my up button is broken
Pc making loud whine
Hello, my PC has started to make pretty loud whine since last 3 days. i've made sure its not the PSU. i recently bought the new mobo so hope its not ...
Hard disk not getting rwecognised
Hello, i hav an external hardisk conneted to ma system .,.,., but it is not getting detected.,.,., earlier, files on that hardisk did not open .,.,. ...
Too much ram?
Hello, I have a standard Acer Aspire M5641, i belive it has a cap of 3gb of RAM, What would happen if i added 4GB or more? The system accepts PC2-...
Laptop does not turn on
Hello, i am not able tu turn on my laptop. Even i pressed the button for30 mins continuosly, nothin worked. I removed the battery and connected th...
Canon mp510 paper jam
Hello, my canon mp510 printer says it has a paper jam in the out put tray but there is no paper in it and i cant find anything stuck in it does anyon...
Is the music free and how do i down load it
Hello, i just gopt my ipod nano today and i dont know if i have to pay for my songs or not and i also dont know where i download them plz help me!
Notebook keyboard
Hello, i pressed somthing on my keyboard on the gateway notebook. And that turned my question marks into 'e's and i dont know how to reverse it. Sin...
My screen for hp pavilion doesn't turn on!!!
Hello, My screen for hp pavilion doesn't turn on!!! I am not so aware about computers so am not sure what caused such problem but whenever i try to t...
Disk stuck in drive
Hello, i have an hp laptop and my daughter put a disk in but upside down, and now im unable to remove it. Its the sone that sucks the cd in it doesnt...
Need help with a hard drive
Hello, I had an HP laptop that unfortunately suffered a tragic demise when my 3-year-old spilled my coffee and I didn't realize it had gotten into th...
Change language
Hello, I dont know which bottom to change language from english to thai. Pls help. Jill
Burnt out graphics card / data removal
Hi, i have a sony-vaio laptop with two separated hard-drives. recently it the graphics card burnt out (i think) and now the laptop fails to boot up. i...
The lights are on but no1s home
Hello, Ive recently had a problem with my PC, i turn it on, all the normal lights come on, fans work etc.. but i have a black screen. Ive bought a ne...
Hello, i lost my sofware ? how to fine back? apple green webcam.
My laptop the light is off
Hello, hi happy new year, my problem is that the laptop display is on but the light is off i can put table light on the screen to see the display i...
Hard disc
Hello, compuetr retsrts,blue screen come saying memory dump they say media problem brand new 160gb pl help me thanks
Hello, hai i have an pen drive of kingston 4gb it used to work properly but one day when i pluged it into my pc it did not detect it shows an sign t...
Windows not going to sleep and notshutingdown
Hello, this is my problem windows not going to sleep and not shutingdown . to turn of my note book iam just switching off the power button and my noo...
Pny pendrive problem
hai tis is deepan . my pen drive is not been recognised in any system. hope it may b bcoz of driver software can anyone help me out........
Laptop satelite psag4e pls help!
Hello, I have SATELITE PSAG4E model laptop. If I will use battery alone the everything works fine. If I will use AC adapter I can't run normal m...
I can't log into myspace:/
Hello, Everytime i try loging into myspace theres this file that wants me to download it and i choose cancel and it still wont let me log in and then...
Realtek install
Machine power on but disply stop functioning
Hello, i am facing problem my machine is getting power on but i am not able to see anything on desktop . few days back my 20 GB harddisk got conkoff...
Hello, I ve a sd micro card kingstone,was locked with a password,this password i didnt make it,and i dont know from where it comes,i tried many ways ...
Wth of my pendrive...
Hello, I had formatted my 4GB Pen drive by using Apple's MacBook Pro. While I plugin to my on PC, it said that must format it. I just follow the ...
My laptop wont turn on
Screen doesnt display anymore
Hello, My problem is my asus x80l laptop the screen doesnt display anymore starting when the baterry is empty and after charging and i open it the sc...
Usb port not detecting
Hello, when i insert my pen drive, my pc is not detecting usb port. what should i do?
My computer beeps at startup
Hello, my computer was fine till this morning until i opened a game. It freezed on me and when i restarted it gave beeps as long as 4-5 secs and kep...
My laptop heatset are not working
Hello, Sir, i m having Compaq laptop. I m having this weired problem from my headset. it doesn't work when i plug it into my laptop. although the sou...