The discussions
Why my hp laptop starts when it wants
Hello, my laptop is going crazy starts only when it wants. Problem: no power on. no lights. ...
Failed to get display in the monitor
Hello, Can you please guide me in some directions? When I press the on button, my computer power light comes on, the fan inside runs, but the monitor...
Pc stucks at detecting ide drives
Hello, my computer alwayz stucks at detecting ide drives ...... it normally used to remove my hd connection and put it back and some times use...
My pci device and sound does not work
Hello, I re-install my laptop (Emachines D725) with windows XP service pack 2.But My sound and PCI device is not working. I think my sound is not ...
Over heatting problem
Hello, My laptop is Toshiba Satellite L550-10N and it gets very hot while am working some times it will switched off by itself. what is the problem?...
Pc not booting through cd rom
Hello, I checked all bios settings, also I selected cd rom for booting. But still when I trying to pc boot from cd it is stuck on "boot from cd" w...
Hp dv6000 webcam driver
Hello, please i need HP Pavilion dv6000 webcam driver Configuration: Windows Vista / Firefox 3.6
Connect projector to computer
Hello, Can you help please. I have a Compaq Presario CQ70 laptop PC running Vista which I wish to connect to a Sharp XV-PN300 LCD projector in ord...
Wd my passport 500gb external doesn't show up
I have a similar problem. I have a Western Digital My Passport 500GB External and one day it just up and didn't load files. I've had problems with my ...
Kareems solution for no signal on monitor
Hello, His solution worked for me but was wanting to know why did his solution work? Please explain thank you. Configuration: Windows 7 / Inte...
Dell latitude d505 reset bios password
SolvedHello, Help me service tag 7J9TF1J THANKS Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
Acer aspire one aod150 black screen
Hello, My netbook has the Black Screen. I have read the suggestions for fixing the problem on this forum and I wonder if the fix will work on my AO...
Changing from a 8600gt to a radeon 5770 hd
Okay, this is probably not suprising to people, but I've broken my computer again. I was trying to upgrade from the 8600gt to the Radeon 5770. B...
External display question
Hello, Thanks in advance for any help. My problem is I recently bought an HDMI cable to connect my HP pavilion dv6700 to my hdtv (lg). Everythin...
Dvd drive vanished, need help please.
SolvedHello, I am having a bit of bother with my DVD drive. A few months ago, it just disappeared, and I haven't been able to use it since. I have tried ma...
My computer screen is black!
Hello, I saw a video on Youtube how to upgrade my 1gb RAM into 2gb Now I wanted to upgrade mine so I can play sims 3 and When I saw there was a com...
Power led blinking, no signal!
SolvedHello, I an encountering some problems with my gaming computer. Last night, i was playing BattleField Bad Company 2 on the pc and i saw that it wa...
Keyboard problems
Hello there, same thing happened im my emachines laptop. it's acer's company laptop. when i type any keys in the laptop it appears numeric in place of...
Headphone jack working but no speaker doesnot
Hello, i have a HP pavilion dv1000 laptop with windows 7 installed. I installed all the drivers and working well. Sound driver installed. Iam h...
I lost my epson disk to work with my computer what do i do
Hello, hi i lost my disk for my epson nx415 what do i do Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Dvd disappeared
SolvedHi, I had recently restored my Vista 32 Home premium system after crash and I have noticed, that my dvd drive disappeared. I have allready tried t...
Acer laptop can't get question mark to work
SolvedHello, I have tried the ''alt, shift, both shift keys, alt car key, cap locks'' I can't find how to get the question mark I get É,é,' Configura...
Pen drive format software
Hello, my pen drive is 4GP HPv165wUSB device. I can try to formet in all ways (FAT,FAT32,NTFS and download some formatting tools). But it could not ...
Laptop keyboard acting strange
Hello,im mike and i have an ASUS Notebook K40ID/K50ID Series, windows 7. And a couple of days ago i noticed that some of the keys on the built in ke...
Ipod stuck on black screen
Hello, my ipod was restored in dfu mode but after restoring it wont turn on its on the black screen stuck can anyone please help me Configurat...
Hp pavilion dv9000 shows black screen
Hello, my hp pavilion dv9000 shows a black screen when i turn it on the blue lights on the keyboard light up like normal except the light where yo...
Keyboard dosent work
HI mine is a hp laptop and some of my my keys dosent work;.a,s,d,f,j,k,l and 123456789 dosent work please help me
I pod wont charge or turn on.
Hello, My Ipod touch 4 fell in water so we put it in rice to absorbe the water and after that I charged it and it charged fine but now when I try ...
Fe of my key on the keybord don't ork
Hello, I have a problem with my keyboard. The letters [w, a, s, & z] are NOT working. I have to use the online screen keyboard to type the letters in...
I cant open anything...
Hello, i have a sony vaio, when i turn on my computer it goes directly to a black screen and all u can see is the mouse... i managed to go on the int...
Hard disk partition
Hello, i have a harddisk for 80gb, with 4 drives of 20gb each. Now i want to merge two drives ie "c" and "d" drive for a 40 gbp partition rest all...
4 gb sony pen drive
Hello, I am facing a problem while formatting the pen drive as shoeing an error no window is displaying a content
Window getting stuck on boot
Hello, here is my problem its core 2 duo sony vaio laptop when loading the windows getting struck. idont know why is that? i changed every ha...
My laptop wont turn on.
Hello, when you try to turn on the laptop it wont do anything i have figured out that if you plug it to its charger the light on the side turn...
How to repair on/off switch acer aspire one
Hello, My Acer aspire1 notebook will not ON when the on/off switch is press . Is it because of the hardware - the button - or some viruses have a...
Magicjack problem
SolvedGreetings all, I'm using Magicjack for about 3 months, then I formatted my computer because it had some problems. I tried to reinstall the Magicjac...
Laptop shows nothing wen turned on
Hello, My laptop displays nothing when switched on. Only the num lock and caps lock keys are blinking every four seconds. When switching it o...
Mouse and keyboard solution
Hello, i am having energy computer or energy motherboard, the keyboard and the mouse are not working. when i on the machine it beeps continuou...
Lg dvd writer
Hello, My newly bought IDE LG DVD writer does not get detected during the boot up time . but after bootong when we get into the operating system it ...
Innovative technology usb turntable
Hello, So far so good!! duh...I cant find my manual in English, therefore I forgot hoe to finalize the cd before removing. It seems as though I didn...
Toshiba why wont my laptop turn on
i tried this trick "*Take out the battery, *Remove main supply, *Hold power button down for 30 secs, *Put only power supply in, do not put...
No sound system installed on windows..?
Hello, Okay, So I have a Windows Vista, and I've tried the reinstalling the device, restarting my computer, checking to see if it's not installed...
Toshiba satellite l350-145 web cam driver on
Hello, i am looking for driver for toshiba satellite L350-145 for web cam application. help please thanks Configuration: Windows 7 / Intern...
Zen mp3 player not turning on
my zen mp3 player is not turning on? what to do to get it on, any help is warmly welcomed.
Power failure
Hello, My Asus F%RL works fine but suddenly without warning loses power and can immediately be ebooted without any problems.I emoved the batery and ...
Install my lexmark 2600 without software
Hello, I am trying to install my lexmark 2600 without software. Can you please help me Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 534.16
My mic doesnt work :(
hi ! i have a asus labtop and my mic doesnt work! i can hear when im webcaming with friends but they cant hear me. i tried everything ! trying to set ...
Laptop to tv cable connector is not working
Hello, I have DELL 15R laptop with Windows 7 Home OS with it. I want to connect my laptop to TV. I have cable to connect HDMI input from laptop ...
Audio from ma pc
Hello, im ansh plz help me to get audio from ma pc im very trouble plz help me Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.8
Mark x at sound
Hello, my laptop is a toshiba brand and it nearly a month after i bought but i got a problem the sound is not working snd it mark x when i double ...