How to insert brackets and curly braces on Mac keyboard

How to insert brackets and curly braces on Mac keyboard

This article will provide you with keyboard shortcuts that you can use to insert the open and closed brackets and curly braces on Mac keyboard. Keep in mind that key combinations depend on your keyboard language layout.

How to insert square brackets on a Mac keyboard?

  • On a US Mac keyboard, simply press on [ to insert an open square bracket in your document, and ] to insert a closed square bracket.
© Mac keyboard
  • On a French keyboard: press the Alt + Shift + ( keys simultaneously to insert an open bracket on your document, and Alt + Shift + ) keys to close the bracket. 
  • On a Spanish keyboard, press Shift + { for [ and Shift  + } for ].

How to insert curly brackets (braces) on a Mac keyboard?

Many of Apple's premium range of computers based on the Mac OS do not have any key for making open/close curly braces { }, also called the Left Curly Brace and the Right Curly Brace. This can, however, be dealt with - the open/close brace can be entered through a combination of keyboard keys on a Mac.

It is possible to enter curly braces characters using the following combinations: 

  • For { press: [Shift] + [(]
  • For } press: [Shift] + [)]
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