The discussions
Laptop shut down problem
Hello, my laptop is not able to shut down properly if i press shutdown after 2-3 minutes one(power) light will be on n laptop hardware will be working...
Sony vaio psc8131m laptop doesn't start.
Hello, my sony vaio psc8131m laptop doesn't start. when i start my laptop he said this: can windows does not start it may be due to a recent hardware...
My hp pavilion dv6700
SolvedHello, My HP laptop won't turn on. All it does is flash the lights and go off. I've tried the hard reboot but it still doesn't power on. Please help...
Start up hp laptop and then black screen
Hi, ive tried all the basic stuff (turn off and on, unplug charger, unplug battery hold power button put battery back in) but it just says the HP symb...
My acer laptop won't come on
Hello, My acer laptop will not come on. I have it plugged in but the battery light won't even come on saying that it's even getting power. The charg...
Laptop battery issues
Hello, I have a big problem. My Asus notebook PC will not turn on unless its is plugged in charging even when the battery is ful . What could be a ...
Black screen
Helio, how do I fix my acer laptop when put on the screen is just blank, the fan came on but it shortly went off.
Toshiba windows 7 starter
SolvedHi,I have a Toshiba Windows 7 starter.Okay let me tell you the whole story.This morning I was playing sims 2.When I wanted to quit the game my laptop ...
How do i fix an hp laptop that won't boot?
Hello, So I was watching a video on youtube when suddenly, everything froze on the screen. I tried exiting the tab but the cursor wasn't there. So, ...
Nothing displays on screen after restart
Hi.. Pls help me how to fix problem regarding nothing displays on screen after i push power button on. The power light and everything is on, just the...
My laptop is not working .. its not opening nor a display to????
Hello, My laptop is not responding... not opening... what to do? Nothing is showing in my laptop Dell. CORE i3 Inspiron 15... Configuration: iP...
Computer shut down
Hello, Recently my computer started shutting down all by itself.whether the battery is fully charged or in plug, i switch it on may be watch a movie o...
Dell laptop time of day clock stopped
Hello, sir after starting a message showing .....time of day clock stopped Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 43.0.2357.124
Acer laptop won't turn on; suffered a little fall
My Acer touch screen laptop recently suffered a little fall and now every time I try to turn it on it gets stuck on the start-up screen. I have tried ...
Curser problem
Hello, i cant get my curser to move on windows 8, what can i do liam Configuration: Windows / Chrome 43.0.2357.124
Both my laptop shutdown while i was working and not turning on.
Hello, I have a macbook pro 2011, while I was working got shutdown and now its not getting on, Not even it seems getting charge as no indicator in th...
Reboot and select proper boot device
Hello, Does anybody can help me, as l open my Sony Vaio model PCG 21313M, there's appearing on the screen saying Reboot and Select proper Boot devic...
Help, my pc won't find my mp3 player
Hello, Well, I bought my Dell while ago and from the beginning it won't find my mp3 player which is Yarvik. It charges and everything but I can't up...
Disconnected to internet when i connect charging cable to my lap
iam getting disconnected to internet when i connect charging cable to my laptop iam using internet through an cable. please give me solution.
Laptop's jack works only when pin of headphone is bent
hi..! my laptop's audio jack works only when I insert the pin of headphone at a certain angle. The problem is with my audio jack. Headphone works per...
My laptop keep shown me black screen and shut down after 3 secon
On Wednesday night I was working on my laptop & the battery needed to be charged, but I forget and kept it open & sleep so the laptop shut down. Th...
Laptop mouse working but not clicking when tapped
Hello, I am Udeepta. I have a toshiba satellite laptop . The mouse pointer moves but does'nt click when i tap .
Inspiron b130 wireless interface software
Hello, I am trying to find the name of the software used to reinstall my Inspiron B130 wireless interface software. I do not have the installation d...
Someone please acer computer will not start up
My Acer computer will not start up. I tried to reset it by holding to power button for 30secs but it wouldn't power on. Can someone please help!
A light flashing
Hello, I have a dell inspiron 6000 laptop. I installed a keyboard. I turn on the laptop and the A light flashes for a few seconds and powers off. Ca...
I can not connecting intetnet in my laptop last 2 days
Hello, I m too worrym. My wifi is connectef bt can not access it shows unable connection.. plz helo me. Laptop lenovo g580 Configuration: iPh...
My acer aspire v5 wont power up.
Hi. My Acer Aspire V5 laptop wont Power Up. If I connect a power cord the charging led lights up but when I click the power button it wont power up.
Toshiba sattelite pro 6100 wont boot to any operating system.
Hello, I have a toshiba sattelite pro 6100 and ive been testing different linux distributions on it. I tried to install slitaz on my laptop. When I bo...
Lenovo yoga 2 power button not working
hello everyone !!! I recently bought the lenovo yoga 2. it was very well woking till today when I wanted to turn in on using the power button eventual...
Acer problem
Hi.On my acer laptop on the start it looks like it load windows but then screen changes and it show "setup is starting services".what can I do.please ...
Can't start my sony lapto
Hello, I have a laptop of sony and i can't boot it up. It is showing options of windows recovery but i cant access it , and there is no light on ke...
Black screen
Hello, I am found in the serios problem I wanted to instal a theme to my laptop then the computer had to restart until now my sreen is black with th...
Laptop turn on
Hello, Sir good evening I have a dell inspirion m4040 and I played game that time my laptop suddenly shut and don't turn on and not monitor turn on ...
Restore settings error
Hello, HI I'm having trouble with my factory restore keeps coming up with error at the end anyone come across this before Configuration: iPhon...
No output device installed gateway nv55c
My laptop just shut off and restarted by itself and when it did it says no audio output device installed. Also the drivers for webcam, and dvd players...
Sony laptop factory restore issue
Hello, hi brother in my sony laptop when i press alt+f10 it shows bootmgr is missing. in such cases what to do??? please help Configuration:...
Dell laptop to sony kdl40 - great picture but no sound
Hello, when I bought a VGA to DVI converter, I was advised to not to bother buying the VGA bundled with a sound cable, and instead to just buy an audi...
I have an asus n76vz tha will not power up with battery or line
SolvedHello, I have tried resetting with a 60' wait, battery only, line only and both and in all cases get to white power pilot but no further visible activ...
My lptp turns off when charging removed
Hello, plz help my laptop turns off when charging unplugged even with full battery
My lenovo g500 startup problem
Hello, My laptop is lenovo G500 with Os windows 8. When power button is pressed screen shows lenovo written on it and nothing else works no key...
Acer 4715z
Last night I shut down my laptop And today it is not starting up. battery is showing charge full. I had also tried your solution that remove the bat...
Dell black screen after start up
Hello, My Dell i7 starts up then goes to black screen. I tried f8 and safe mode. I am desperate please help!! Kindregards Jacqui Confi...
Opening laptops without keybord
hello my acer aspire 4820T all keys do not work but when I press the power butten on the screen apears "press f2 or enter button"so how can I open wi...
My studio 17 laptops speakers are not working
SolvedHello, My Studio 17 laptop speakers are not giving off sound. I checked everything, and it says that everything is working fine when it's not I'm con...
Acer aspire one 521 busted laptop
Hello! I'm a newbie here and got a zero background with computer repairs. I badly need your help with my busted laptop/notebook (model: Acer One 521)....
Dell laptop insprion
SolvedHello, gud mng sir,using del inspiron laptop and windows 7ultimate os,after turn on laptop going black screen,how to recove my lap,pls solve my probla...
Sony vaio series e downgrade from 8.1 to 7 factory settings
Hello, I need to reset my Vaio to original factory settings using windows 7 . I currently have 8.1 running on it and it has crashed completely ...
Toshiba satellite l40-a
Hello, My Toshiba won't go to the windows screen. It just states "attempting repair" When I hold down the 0 key and turn it on again, it states ...
My headphone jack is not working. what can i do?
Hello, i have a samsung laptop, and for the past week I have not been able to use my headphones because my headphone jack isn't working. I have trie...
Black screen when powered up
SolvedHello, I normally use an exernal monitor with my Dell Latitude laptop . t I m travelling and usi w/o the external monitor. The screen won't tur...