The discussions
There is power on my mother board,but my
Hello, there is power on my mother board,but my dell desktop computer refuse to turn on pls i need help.
Vista won't boot after pwr outage please help
Hello, everyone. My Toshiba laptop vista didn't install all the way. It was installing then i got a power outage and now when it boots, it goes bla...
Detect hdd problem
Hello, my computer hdd cant detect acer aspire 5500z i have reset bios but still can't detect hdd please help me
Hp pavillion dv5t-1000
ClosedHello, I can only start the computer up fine and it goes to the hp logo...I can get into the start up..with limited controls. Can't access System...
Memory problem...
Hello, Is it okay to replace my 256mb PC266 RAM with a 256mb PC2700 RAM? Please answer... Thanks in advance!! Configuration: Windows XP...
Rgb cord to the tv
Hello, For all us dumb people please tell me how this works. I have connected my RGB cord to the tv and I have picture. That is all fine and da...
Gateway desktop (atx) will not power on.
ClosedHello, After line power fluctuations and automatic shutdown, my Gateway 560GE will not restart. Tested power supply and, with jumper, cooling fan r...
A little hard drive problem
SolvedHello, I am using two Hard Drives on My System. 1st is SAMSUNG HD502HJ 500 Gb and 2nd is Seagate Barracuda® 7200.12 500GB. My problem is thi...
My monitor
ClosedHello, I have been having an issue with my monitor lately. When I cut my computer on, the monitor goes from red to yellow to white, the screeb just ...
Title...disk cannot be written it is write protected please remove the write pro
Hello, pls I ve a problem copying and saving information wheneva I try al this it displays a message disk canot be written to becos it is wr...
Laptop keyboard c x z and ctrl is working...
Hello, I've Windows Xp installed in my personal laptop . Suddenly the following keys are not working C ,X ,Z and Crtl + options is not working. Pl...
Keyboard types 2 letters
ClosedHello, i recently installed a new keyboard on my laptop. When I press certain keys it will type 2. for ex, I type "o" and it types "lo". I press ...
New laptop screen isn't working
Hello, I am Jackson and I have been facing some problems with my laptop screen. I had just bought a new laptop screen because my old one had crack...
Usim full
SolvedHello, I recently switched my sim card from a sony ericsson phone to the LG KM900 arena. I keep getting a message saying there is not enough USIM spa...
Non function tosh satellite l300
Hello, i have a toshiba satellite L300(vista) sitting very close by......and everytime i boot up it goes straight to"launch start-up repair (recommen...
Wd external hard drive
Hello, I am devastated. I store all my pictures and video on an WD external hard drive. I just downloaded a lot of our vacation pictures, also doubl...
Fn key problem
Hello, I have asus k43sv laptop and some fn keys stop working,plz can u help me
Urgent locked keyboard
SolvedHello, my hp keyboard is locked, tried updates, unplug and replug , still not working. help pleae Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Ex...
Bluetooth problems help needed please
Hello all, I have an Elonex 700TD (e-touch). Am having problems turning on the bluetooth!? Can anyone help me???? Configuration: iPhone /...
No bios screen?
Recently i got a computer from my friend, an HP pavilion a350n, all stock. He tested it out at his house and EVERYTHING worked perfectly fine. A week ...
Won't boot up/fans won't slow down
Hello, Yesterday I shut down my computer but after 5 minutes I decided to turn it back on. During booting up I see an irregular black screen files...
How can i make my computer faster??!!!?!
SolvedHello, I have a toshiba laptop that I got 2/3 years ago. It's gotten really slow and it freezes a lot of times. What is good thing to speed it up...
Laptop turns on but shows error.
Hello, I have an HP laptop. It turns on but shows an error for a few seconds which im unable to read. and than the screen shows that windows has e...
Bios password
SolvedHello, I have D630 with : #GV4PKF1-595B please help me with master password Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 5.0
Hp laptop keys malfunctioning
Hello, After an event where a number of keys were pressed in concert on the left side, several keys stopped working and others became connected wi...
Can someone please help me with this?
Hello, I have a dell inspiron 5150 and am connecting to a new hdtv tv through the s-video cable and cannot get a picture. I tried to watch a you...
Can someone please help me?
Hello, I have a dell inspiron 5150 and am connecting to a new hdtv tv through the s-video cable and cannot get a picture. I tried to watch a you tube...
External hard dive not detecting
Hello, I have an external had drive and i am unable to get it detected but if it go to computr management i can notice the drive....Please let me ...
Cdrking webcam ekes
Hello, how will i download our ekes webcam driver?Pls. help.tnx. Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 5.0
Computer locked after log in-strange images
Hello, Yesterday while using the net my Dell laptop suddenly shut down. When I tried to re-boot it, I got the message that it had shut down unexp...
Edifier m1335 speakers
Hello, I have an Edifier M1335 speakers but I lost the software disc. Can anyone help me how to find it on the net and to download it ?, tks very ...
Wont read music on my mp3
Hello, my mp3 player says theres no files on the drive but when i go into its Setting Info it says " 470 free space, 472 Total",I dont know what ...
SolvedHello, my monitor has no power, but my cpu is running... what will be the possible problem??? pls.. help.. ^^
Laptop keypad and keyboard
Hello, I was wondering if there is anyway to make my laptop keypad mouse move while i have keyboard buttons held down, I have looked online for answ...
Black screen and default monitor problem
Hello, Hi how are you? I have an HP Pavilion laptop with Windows Vista on it. Over a month ago the monitor stopped working on my laptop. I connected...
How to recover all the files
Hi, somebody pls advise,I had borrow Mass hard drive Transcend (250GB) from my friend. I pluged in data wire to the laptop. everthing were normal, ac...
Audio problem
Hello, m using amd athlon tm II x 2 processor in followin window 7 m having audio problem ..checked connections..tried real tek also.. i will ...
Please help my toshiba latop won't start
Hello, please help me. my toshiba laptop A655 can't start at all. the messages said "windows has encoutered a problem communicating with a device conn...
Insert a boot disk message appears
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 533.16 My computer shut down with no problem and a few hours later I turned it back on , it passed th...
Dell inspiron no display
Hello, I am having Dell Inspiron lapton. For the past few days while I am trying to start my laptop, I am getting a continous beep sound with no d...
Pavilion dv4 won't boot on batterry power
Hello, i need help on Hp pavilion dv4, when i plug in the charger it will boot successfully, but when i shutdown nd try to boot direct from batter...
Computer not starting after the beep
Hello, my motherboard is working fine, all th fans are working it also gives the beep sound but it goes off automatically when the XP logo appears a...
Digital mp3 player from e-bay
Hello, i bought an mp3 player from e-bay my computer picks it but when i try to open it or load music it says please insert a disk into removable ...
Pc doesnt shut down
Hello, when i want to shutdown my pc ..... it does nt shut down it gets stuck at the " shutting down..." screen. please help me experts...! ...
Acer aspire one zg5 netbook new battery issue
Hello, I just bought a new 6-cell battery off Ebay to replace my exhausted factory 3-cell. The computer fires up great, but now it doesn't recogni...
Laptop keyboard problem
Hello, Iam suraij , Iam using ACER ASPIRE 5736Z lap top .now my laptop starting continouse beep sound and then after login win 7 home page.i th...
My system turns on but keeps restarting
Hello, My name is James. I've just bought a whole new system from a retailer, new Mobo, new CPU, new RAM, new VGA card and a new PSU. I put them i...
Help for web cam drivers
Hello, Hello, i dont have a software for my logitech webcam and als dont have its box where i can find its model no and details...however i found h...
My laptop is die???????? can u help
Hello, yesterday my sister turnoff the laptop from the charger no sutting down but she just remove the charger and the laptop won't working not even...