The discussions
Intermittently pc does not boot up, fan makes noise, no hdd led
Hello, I have a HP desktop PC. Sometimes it does not boot up when I hit Power Button but instead gives more than usual noise of fans, HDD LED does n...
Toshiba comes and goes off in less than 30secs
Hello, my toshiba comes and goes off in less than 30secs. It stops to loading and then goes off and restarts again, and so on. Help, please ...
Laptop won't boot says starting automatic repair
Hi. My laptop is an Acer. And when I go to start it, it says, Starting Automatic Repair. Then it'll say, Diagnosing your PC. Then it'll take me to thi...
Laptop black screen
Hello, My laptop HP 6530 is not working :( . When I switch on I see HP logo and after logo there's black screen with _ just blinks an...
Hp laptop only be working off of the battery
my laptop seems to only be working off of the battery when the ac power cord is plugged in it charges the battery just fine but for some reason it won...
Screen shaking
Hello, So a few months ago i cracked the screen on my laptop, it is a tiny crack in the upper corner of the laptop that separates that corner from...
Toshiba satelilte have to right click on the speaker icon
Hello, I have the same problem the laptop used to automatically detect when headphones were plugged in and it switched automatically to headfones ...
No display on monitor
Hello, My monitor doesn't display anything. I've rebuild my PC because of it but still didn't work I've cleaned my ram already en reinstalled it....
Hard disk sent messages need format
I have External hard desk he sent messages need format I don't wont to format it there is important data in it please what is the program fix this ...
Turning on and off
Hi need some help as my pacard bell laptop was workin fine yesterday and went on it this morning and keeps turning off and rebooting itself back up ca...
Thank you so so much
Closedthank you so much! i swear you have no idea how helpful you have been! i literally had a submission in less than 5 hours and all the files were gone! ...
Pendrive opening error
Hi when ever I open pendrive I get this error of "There was a problem starting \\\\\\\@%%~~@%~~%1" The specified module cannot be found
External hard drive not showing up
Hello, My WD Elements hard drive was bought yesterday and when I took it home and plugged it to my laptop, the light comes on the there is a small v...
Hard drive not detecting on another computers
Hello, I unplug a hard drive from one computer and want to copy its data on another computer but its not recognized by another computers. this dis...
Hard disk not recognized
Hello, 2nd hdd is not open on my pc after upgrade windows 10 it showing drive is not recognized or not initialized its 250gb hdd it hv very Imp data c...
Audio is no longer working
Hello, I downloaded Windows 10 on my old Lenovo laptop, and now no sound! I tried reinstalling Windows Media player, nothing! Configuration: Wi...
Booting problem
Hello Sir I want to ask you that what should I do. My pc isn't booting. Whenever I turn on my pc my monitor just blinks and dim led of my pc continou...
Laptop randomly just turned off
Hello, I have an Acer aspire V and it Randomly just turned off and whenever I restart or turn it on the laptop just messes up and I get a black scre...
Webcam drivers
Hello, i lost my cd of webcam expert RCM-004 drivers, plz help me... Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.108
Convert 3.0 usb to 2.0
Hi i have a external hard drive but the usb cable is in 3.0. I wanna connect the hard drive to my dvd but my dvd only supports 2.0 usb .. ia there any...
No bootable device--insert boot disk and press any key
SolvedHello, Yesterday i tried get back on my laptop(its a Compaq Presario) and it gave me this message..'no bootable device--insert boot disk and press...
Keyboard replacement will not type
Solvedreplacing a logitech wireless keyboard with ivation wireless (IVCKLEDBWIRELESS) will not type
Laptop function keys not working help!
Hello, Several of my Keyboard Function keys are not working specifically: the down arrow, the delete key, the enter button and probably most annoy...
Pen drive not recognized after abandonment
Hello, Good day, it takes a longer period for my computer to detect my pendrive. The drive got missing and it took me more years to find it but it...
Power outage
Hello, My pc was running.suddenly electricity gone..i have an ups but still eectricity gone my pc showed no signal still my cpu was on..after that...
Running cm security
I have downloaded this but i cant find the program to run it. Can anyone help
Splilled coffee on my dell wireles keyboard
SolvedI plilled coffee on my Dell wireles keyboard and a few keys stopped working. recently I tried running water over it and letting it dry but theyare sti...
External monitor two web connections simultaneously
I would like to be able to have two web connections on my laptop and one on the external monitor. What cables are necessary?
Two of the keys are reversed
Hello, My Z key and my X key are reversed on my key board. Configuration: Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.8) / Chrome 49.0.2623.87
Laptop problem
hello there! This is my very first question in this forum so i hope i wont recieve hate! ^^ When i press the power button only a black screen will sh...
How can i clean space for my cdrive
can you please help me....
Usb and sd write protected
Hello, My USB and SD card are both write protected and I can no longer see my USB on any computer I put it in... I followed the steps to remove the ...
Inspiron 15 3000 series laptop - won't get past initial setting
Hi folks I've just purchased this laptop - when booting up and going thru initial setup - the laptop reboots, but goes back to the initial screen...
My pc is taking too long to open
hello I have windows 8 toshiba pc .it been like 2week since it takes almost 2 hours to open from shut down what could I do . Pls help
How to restore keyboard if the key appear different
SolvedAnswer: press window key+x, choose device manager, then click key board. expand the keyboard. go to keyboard and right click. go to properties, choose...
Printer help
I am trying to re-set up my HP-1510 printer.HELP!!! I've been trying for a week. I'm not very computer saavy. Thanks, "Lil"
System starts up but nothing on screen and the fan is loud.
Hello, I have a hp notebook 820, and the problem is when I start it there are a few keys that start flashing then the fan starting spinning at notic...
Bios does not recognize my hdd
Hello, I have a WD15EADS Hard Drive, pulled out of external WD eliteBook, or whatever its called and I can´t connect it. I tried different cables, ...
Keystroke give result of 2 consecutive keys
Hello, My Microsoft keyboard systematically takes two consecutive keystrokes when I hit one. It is impossible to use. I just changed the battery. ...
Acer doesnt show any lights
i have a problem with this accer its not switching on i've tried several chargers but still it doesnt show any lights showing dat they is power comin...
Hp usb flash drive v285w 64 gb pen drive
Hello, sir, hp usb flash drive v285w 64 gb pen drive is opened.. copying any data in that pendrive.. all are ok.. but not opened any images and ...
Blocked sim info
Hi i would like to know is possible to retrieve information from a blocked sim card & if so how. Thnks -- Mr. VZowkie
Where is the headphone jack on a dell latitude e5550
SolvedHello, I have a new laptop and ear buds do not seem to be working where I have them plugged in. Is there somewhere special to plug them in?
Data is not displaying.
Hello, I am Using 16GB hp pendrive. It is showing empty even it has 13 GB data due to some virus. what can i do to get my data back ? Configu...
Sandisk 16 gb pendrive
Hello, when i insert my pendrive, there is show my pendrive is 297mb only , but acctualy my pendrive is 16 gb, and i want to know how can recive...
Keyboard types random characters
Well not totally random - hitting any key repeatedly will cycle through all the characters in qwerty order. EG. Pressing 'q' will first display an 'a...
Sir I have a hard disk(500gb) of Samsung is apply on cpu then I feed window10 with bootable PD it shows some errors then by mistake I delete allocatio...
External hard drive refusing to cut or copy files
Hello, my external hard drive refuses to copy files to anywhere on my computer. this started when some files turned green on my computer and then ...
Lexmark x5470
Hello, Can the above printer be used with Windows 8? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 45.0