The discussions
Failed to turn on
Hello, my acer laptop turn off while charging and never works I tried to on it and it never turn on any help pls........ Configuration: / Oper...
Cpu and everything is working but no display
Yesterday i was working my PC and suddenlyy monitor blacked out then i restarted it still no display. processor and smps fan is working but no display...
500gb hard drive only shows as 32gb
I have an external 500gb hard drive but ,when I connect it , it only shows as 32gb. Is there anyway to get at the rest of the memory. Also I have 2 ex...
Android phone sd card error.
Hello, I have a new pny 16 gb micro sd card in a android phone. the phone sees the card but it was grayed out. i unmounted the sd card. but there is...
Transcend storejet 500gb blinks but not work
Hello, hi I am narayan kumar I am having transcend storejet 500GB. what is the problem means my drive is blinks but not showing in laptop ...
Connecting pc-vga to hd tv-hdmi
SolvedHello, I bought a brand new tv - LG 50 inch Smart TV. There isnt a VGA port in the back, only HDMI. When i try and connect my laptop (pc) through ...
Cpu turning on-off cycles
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80 hello. when I turn on my cpu , the smps & processor fan is working for second, then turns off the...
Monitor no signal input but peripherals don't work either.
So I had this issue before about a 3 months ago where one day my pc was working okay and the next it doesn't post and no matter what cables I try what...
My laptop hp pavilion g4 restarts frequently on its own
Hello, My hp pavilion g4 got a problem of no display a few weeks ago, due to water spilled on it, which i then got repared worth handsome bucks. And...
Aspire one 725 wont go to main screen
Hello, i have a aspire one 725 it loads for alittle bit and it shows message your pc ran into a problem please wait while we collect info, then it s...
Help for my printer problem
Hello, My printer is Epson Stylus RX515: I bought cheap ink and changed black ink to printer, but no print it. I changed new ink again, but there...
Hard disk is not detecting
Hello sir, My hard disk is not detecting in when i go to boot xp loading, and in BIOS Master IDE showing is not detecting but sata port showing had...
My laptop won't boot
Hello, my name is oliver. i shutdown my laptop properly last night, but this morning it will not not boot again. when i press the power botton, the p...
Low level formatting
does low level formatting tool works on segate hdd ?? does it repairs windows 7 error 'x0000...' of hdd ???
Sony walkman nwz-e344
SolvedHello, lost the cord, have another usb cord that fits the walkman mp3 player... it's not being acknowledged by the computer... HELP! WHen I l...
My wd hardisk fell down and now it isnt working
Hello guys, i have a 500 GB WB hardisk. it fell down yesterday and when iplugged it today it worked for a while then my computer hanged and since then...
Usb not showing media on any computer
Hello, This Mohsin, I was trying to copy some data from my uncle's laptop... but suddenly an error occurs and data copying was stopped and USB ...
Sony vaio problem
i have a Sony vaio model Sve14ag13L itdoesnt start a blu secreen comes saying a nerror code 0xc0000225 also says use recovery toolc or contact pc su...
Headphone jack not working windows 7
Hello, my head phones work perfectly fine but when I plug them into my computer they don't work, I look under audio devices and they don't registe...
Laptop won't boot
SolvedI have a 1.5 year old Lenovo b50 touch and it won't boot up. I was using it when it just shut off, tried to power it back on and nothing. Tried unplug...
Pc shut down automatically & restart automatically
Hi There I have been facing an irritating problem with my PC. Here is the configuration of my pc Processor: Intel Pentium Dual 2 GHZ RAM: 2 GB ...
Laptop restart by itself
Hello, i have a problem with my Satelite L735. my lepi is restart by itself, when i acses windows normaly. but i tryed to safe mode, its fine.. how i...
Motion + raspberry pi b+ mini computer
Im trying to get livestream work with raspberry pi. Why my web stream works only few seconds and then stops? Im using software called motion. ...
Usb file shows empty
I have file in my usb when I scan to check for virus respond say no virus and the scanned iterm read but when I want to open it show empty ;I tried to...
How to recover pendrive data
i lost the data of pendrive.... how to recover
Uiojkl & m is type 4561230 no numlock
Hello, I have samsung n148 plus laptop twhen i type UIOJKL & M it type 4561230. I don't have number lock in my laptop. Please help me. Sanjay
Auto on
My CPU starts working automatically as soon as it gets the current without pushing on/off button. Why? And how to stop it?
Dell keeps rebooting
Hello, My Dell Inspiron 15" has started to reboot on the middle of operations. With no prompt or hitting any keys it will just go black and resta...
Hp screen remains black after opening
My Hp pavilion dv6 lights are on fun working produce sounds bt screen remains black,It switched off normally bt screen remained black after putting on...
Display issue in pavilion dv3000
Hello, Display is repeated again. one time Computer mechanic check it and solved this issue. But now this issue occur. According to him, there is ...
Hp pavillion 23 all in one starts but no display
The whole computer starts up and the components are all working. But the display won't show anything. As if it has no power in it, please help.
Black screen pc is not sreen is black.i turn on the pc and i listen the fans.i dont listen any beep.itested my screen with my laptop and it wor...
Cd rom is not showing in my computer
Hello, you tell the way to delete upper filters and lower flters and I do this but it can not working and cd rom icon can not show in my compute...
Transcend external hard disk
Hello, I was using transcend 1tb external hard disk.yesterday night suddenly my hard disk not working properly.disk cant detected by compu...
Memory card showing message can't play
Hello, When iam trying to copy the movies or songs in the memorycard it is copied but when iam trying to play it it is showing message can't play th...
Toshiba laptop
Hello, there are few alphabets and numbers suddenly stopped working on my lappy. i tries connecting a usb keyboard, there still are malfunctions. ...
Sony viao vpceb36gm factory reset
Hi guys, I want to reset my Sony Viao PCG71318L,VPCEB36GM and i have no idea's how.... I tried diffirent things: Pressing the Assist but...
Laptop restarting
Hi everyone my laptop is restarting again and again,when i power on the laptop after 3 secs it restart r continously restarting,,kindly help
Connecting projector to laptop
SolvedHello, I'm using a VGA cable out from my laptop (Averatec 2004 using Windows xp) and in to a Sharp xg e1000u projector - RGB 2 input. No image. ...
Hp laptop. screen stays black cursor is on the screen
Hello. Hy hp laptop Screen is black with the cursor. On i am running Windows 10 though. Can i fixit w the. Same link as win 7?;;
Zoostorm keyboard laptop
Hello, hello,everytime i press letters on my keyboard,it keeps comingup with numbers and letters,how can i fix it plz Configuration: Windows 7 ...
Power issue
Hello, I have HCL ME54 model laptop, There is problem while starting of my laptop. When i press the power button, the light and fan is running for f...
Display problem
hello, dear sir, i have acer branded system , when i start it it starts for 3 minutes and then display goes off. when i try to restart immidiately, ...
Compaq presario cq61 laptop function and control keys not workin
Hi, My Compaq Presario CQ61 laptop function-Fn-and Control kyes not working. pls help me to trouble shoot and solve the problem. Regds Roshan
Cpu beep sound occur no signal
SolvedHello, Sir When I on the CPU button at that time beep sound is occur and also on the monitor display no signal what is the reason I try it ma...
Xp sp3 reinstall with 2 m audio cards
Hello, I am in the process of redoing a Dell Dimension 8300 Windows XP Pro SP3. I wand to replace the Creative Sound card with an M-Audio card an...
Laptop will not boot
Iv left charger out of laptop and it been unplugged tried switching on again but want come on worked fine yesterday light comes on but goes of again a...
Toshiba shows black screen with moving cursor
When today i open my lappy it was giving a loud beep sound i was unable to shut down so i took off battery ... But after that i again inserted the bat...
External hard drive iomega
SolvedHello, The external drive is visible in My Computer and has a drive letter G: The fault indication was "disk currupted and unreadable" I tried c...
Computer no signal
Hello, our computer is on but it doesnot display anything in the monitor and says no signal Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 44.0.2403.157