The discussions
Complete reboot
Hello, win 7 on a Dell INSPIRON 1545 needs reboot to finish a system repair is pending stopping restart of windows. It is stuck in a blue screen ...
Pc only turns on from switch on the back then shuts off
Recently just built a rig. Assembled it on my dining table, no problem. Finished it, and put the side panel So I can transfer it to my desk. Plugged...
Acer power up problem
Hi, I recently gave my mom a used Acer 360-UA381M desktop. The power button is intermittent, sometimes powers up, sometimes the light doesn't go on...
Black screen of death with cursor
Hello, I tried 0 and tap pwr button but I get "no bootable device --insert boot disc".but my cd Rom hasn't worked for months. Help me please, t...
Bootable problem
SolvedHello, i have tn govt hcl laptop.if I on my laptop the windows does not start and the booting menu keys are not working esc,f2, thank you for h...
Hcl me latop crash
Hi, My HCL ME laptop crashes intermittently and on restart gives continuous beeps. Can someone please help . Thanks
My desktop sound doesn't work
Hello, MY desktop sound doesn't work... i tried cheking the volume and it says its on 100. But still i don't hear anything. i tried connectin...
No sé que le pasa a mi teclado, tal vez se bloqueo. ayuda por favor.
ClosedApagué mi laptop Lenovo (Windows 8) y cuando la encendí 30 mins despues ya no funcionaba el teclado. Que puedo hacer? la tecla FN si funciona cuando...
Toshiba nb100 black screen
Solved/ClosedHello, My Toshiba NB100 (windows xp) suddenly has blue screen. I restart the laptop, it's power and battery lights are on, and the fan is working. ...
My pen not deduct
Hi, My pen not deduct any pc xp os plz solv my prob. My dada is account data and very imp. Thanks for helping me
Hardrive turn into shortcuts
Hello, Thank Bro.. But I want to ask you, Can I delete the Thumbs , ~$WCIG.USBDrv and folder $RECYCLE.BIN ? Configuration: Windows Vista / Chro...
My dell inspiron 1521 show blank screen then shut down
my dell inspiron 1521 show blank screen and then shut down automatically after 5 secs of power up. and have tried removing the battery but still gett...
Sandisk cruser pen drive
Hi, I can not copy any data in my sandisk 4GB pen drive please give solution but can copy pendrive data any where. thanks for helping me
Access denied when opening d drive
hy, i hv problem while opening D drive.. i tried to delete some files may b from dis drive some weeks ago.. i think corrupt ho gai hai bt d data was...
Keyboard is not working
Hi, i have hp paviliong6-2102tx.after changing operating system keyboard is not shows keyboard drive is working is working properly.......
My screen blacks out!
Hey there, In the past 2 or so weeks my Laptop (acer aspire 5735Z) Has been doing weird stuff. In the right hand bottom corner the corner is blacked o...
Laptop wont switch on
Hi, Could you help: my keyboard on my laptop suddenly stopped working i tried switching it off and removing battery but now it wont even switch on ...
Wd 500 gb external hard drive
i have a wd passport 500 gb when i connect to the laptop its shows connected but not recognized and the hard drive is not rotating and i could nt u...
When i turn my laptop on a black page shows up
I bought my computer about a month and a half ago, but I keep facing problems. I have samsung series 9 windows 7 laptop. Before when my laptop did not...
Action buttons
how do i reverse my action buttons (Fn)?? (i have a ASUS laptop) because i loved that function from my old laptop HP pavilion dv6 :) i've reseac...
Gta peoblems
hey guys i have a problem i have gta sa and gta iv no one of them would able to run thats happend after i had update my windows please help me . ...
Toshiba satelite a300
when i install win 7 64 bit it will be restated. so i never instal win 7 anybody can tell how to solve that.......... and i try tat bios capability id...
My pc monitor was not showing anything when cpu was starts what
Hi, my pc monitor was not showing anything when cpu was starts what should i do? thanks
Connecting two laptops
How can I connect two laptops and then install an operating system on one from other? Further neither laptop has a floppy drive or a CD-ROM drive in t...
Toshiba nb305 restore out of box state
Ive been trying to hold the key button down then turn on the power button. No warning sign is coming out. then later this will come out. PXE-M)F: E...
Dvd rom disappear
SolvedHello, I have problem with my DVD ROM player.. the icon disappear and also at device manager disappear too.. Please help me.. i'm using Laptop Ace...
Micro sd memory card
Hi, My PC can not read Micro Sd Memory Card. How can I fix it please?
Help restore my toshiba t235
Hi I need help. My Toshiba t235 is saying I have a recovery error:10-fc06-0002. I have three recovery disks that I tried using but after a couple ho...
Laptop screen left side is dark than right side!!!!
my laptop is compaq c700 presario...It screen is darker than normal..left side of screen is dark so much than right side...changing screen brightness ...
Graphics card
is there any software i can use to update my graphics card [ to direct X9 or 10] on my p.c or can this only be done by changing the hardware?i am usin...
Wd my passport installing properly but not showing anywhere.
My ''WD my passport'' was installed properly to my pc but the second time i plugged it in it reinstalled (also properly) but this time it didn't show ...
Windows problem
Hello, i have a problem in my XP after up my windows i have only back ground and pointer i have no shortcut no start menu , rightclick isnt working an...
Sound problem del inspiron 1110
Solved/ClosedI am at the end of my wits...... My daughter's DEL Inspiron 1110 notebook has stopped making sounds - through the internal speakers or through an HDM...
Hard drive error
I Can't able to connect my 1 TB HD, It hangs the computer when I plug out it gives me this error, "You need to format the disk drive F: before you can...
D-link router problem
hi..I just bought a D-Link DIR-615 N300 H/W Ver: M1, F/W Ver: 1.0.0 router with no setup cd. In the first night it was working fine but i just cant lo...
My computer not booting
hi..... when i switch on my computer cpu fan work, cd player work but no screen. also i can feel hard drive is working. please advice ...
I want to use more ram
Hi everyone i have a 4gb memory of ram before i installed a windows 7 32 bit. The computer only detected 929 mb of ram after installation. I know that...
Western digital my passport 1t is not recognized
hi guys, my western digital my passport 1T is not recognized my my laptop (Win 7 Pro 64 bit) and even is not shown in Disk management. what the hell...
External hd
I have removed two HDs from my old laptop running windows 7 32 bit. I now have a new laptop running win 8 64 bit, but need to retrieve some docs from ...
Replaced hard drive and restore disks don't work
I have a Toshiba L755 with Windows 7 Home Edition. My laptop starting telling me I am going to have a hard drive failure and I needed to back up file...
Help! left and down arrow keys are suddenly not working
Hello, i was paying a live multiplayer game on my acer laptop, till then everything was fine, the next morning keyboard's left and down control ke...
How to conect two laptops on windows 7 to windows7 via lan cable
hello I want to connect my two laptop to each other via (RJ45) lan cable, the two laptops having same OS i.e Windows 7,, so please send me the st...
Dropped hard drive
I dropped my WD 1TB hard drive about 30cm to the ground. Now when I plug it into my laptop it shows up under my devices in the control panel and the l...
Ibm e74 crt monitor osd menu not working
HI! the osd menu was popping up on the screen get rid of this problem i had clean the osd switch and ...ON the monitor to press main s...
Have an innormous problem with the cd rom
SolvedHello, I m azhar. I have an acer machines e727. It was working fine few days back. But suddenly my cd rom stopped working. It is not shown in device...
Cant find my external hard drive
hi plz i need solutions.....i cant find my transcend 500gb external hard drive on my computer user interface but i can see it in disk management.....
Screen looses signal
Hello, guys If i start my computer then screen gets the signal. Windows want's to start in safe mode. I cannot choose other mode because the mouse an...
Keyboard , the wrong characters or multiple characters
HELLO. When I type on my keyboard , the wrong characters or multiple characters show up, or nothing shows up at all. My mouse also freezes and stops ...
Cant copy video files to pendrive
Hi gurus, I cant copy video files to pendrive, whereas other photos/text files/words/etc works fine. When I format to ntfs / fat32, and during co...